Add Data Transfers

Add a Heat Rate Density transfer and a Temperature transfer to each of the three bus bar coupling interfaces.

Add Data Transfers for the First Bus Bar
  1. Add the heat rate density transfer.

    1. In the Outline pane, right-click Coupling Interface 1 and select Add Data Transfer.

      The Data Transfer branch is added to the tree, with Data Transfer 1 defined below it.

    2. Right-click Data Transfer 1, select Rename, and change the name to Loss 1.

      The data transfer name is updated in the tree.

    3. Click the Loss 1 data transfer.

      Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

    4. Set Target Side to Two.

      This specifies the side that will receive the data transfer quantity. In this case, Mechanical (side two) will receive losses generated by Maxwell (side one).

    5. Keep the variable values, which are automatically populated as follows:

      • Source Variable is set to Loss.

        This is Maxwell's output variable.

      • Target Variable is set to Heat Rate Density.

        This is Mechanical's input variable.

  2. Add the temperature transfer.

    1. Right-click the Data Transfer branch and select Add.

      Data Transfer 1 is added to the tree.

    2. Right-click Data Transfer 1, select Rename, and change the name to Temp 1.

      The data transfer name is updated in the tree.

    3. Click the Temp 1 data transfer.

      Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

    4. Leave Target Side set to One.

      This specifies the side that will receive the data transfer quantity. In this case, Maxwell (side one) will receive temperatures generated by Mechanical (side two).

    5. Keep the variable values, which are automatically populated as follows:

      • Source Variable is set to Temperature.

        This is Maxwell's input variable.

      • Target Variable is set to Temperature.

        This is Mechanical's output variable.

Add Data Transfers for the Second Bus Bar

Use the same steps as previously to create data transfers on Coupling Interface 2 but rename them Loss 2 and Temp 2.

Add Data Transfers for the Third Bus Bar

Use the same steps as previously to create data transfers on Coupling Interface 3 but rename them Loss 3 and Temp 3.