Bar Displacement

Verify the displacement of the bar with respect to the coupling time.

  1. In the history tree under Model / Solids / Target, expand Target and Target_1.

    These are the solid bar bodies to be involved in the coupled analysis.

  2. Verify the displacement properties for the Target body.

    1. Under Target, right-click Move and select Properties.

      The Properties: BarAndCoil – BarAndCoil – Modeler dialog opens.

    2. Review the properties in the table.

      These properties define the displacement of the bar with respect to the coupling time. Recall the expression MoveX = pwl(ds_Time_Pos,SimTime) /1000


      • SimTime = the coupling time provided by System Coupling

      • ds_Time_Pos = the x position of the bar with respect to the coupling time

      • Note that the Move Vector property is set to a value of -70mm+MoveX ,0mm ,0mm, indicating that the motion of the bar is a function of the MoveX variable.

  3. Verify the displacement properties for the Target body.

    Repeat the same steps as for the Target_1 body.

  4. Click Cancel to close the dialog.