General Command-Line Options





Sets a participant connection timeout interval.

Specifies the maximum length of time System Coupling will wait for a coupling participant to connect after participant connections have been requested (that is, via a Solve operation or the Initialize() command).

When used, System Coupling waits the specified interval of time, and if at the end of that interval any participant has not connected to the analysis, aborts the analysis.


Accepts a positive real value greater than zero indicating the length of the interval in seconds. Do not enter units.

Defaults to a value of 3600 seconds – that is, a timeout interval of one hour is defined.










Starts the System Coupling GUI from the command line.

Automatically starts System Coupling in GUI Server mode, using the current directory as System Coupling's working directory.



Starts System Coupling in GUI Server mode and writes connection information to the sycGUI.srv file. This file prevents the use of interactive input to the session being started and prevents other instances of System Coupling from being started in the same mode.

Applied automatically when the System Coupling GUI is started.

When used, the -I and --interactiveMode options are ignored and the CLI is closed after the script has run.

Required in order to connect/reconnect the System Coupling GUI to a running instance of System Coupling.

To be shut down cleanly, session started in this mode must be ended from a connected GUI instance. Otherwise, it must be shut down using an OS-specific kill request.




Displays help on command-line startup options and then exits the command-line interface.




Starts System Coupling in Interactive mode.

When used with -R or --runScript, keeps the CLI open after the script has run.

This option is overridden when the --guiserver option is used to start System Coupling in GUI Server mode.




Runs the specified script(s).


Accepts a single script name.




To run multiple script files in succession, supply the argument multiple times.

-R <ScriptFile1> -R <ScriptFile2>




Prints System Coupling's build information and exits.




When used with the -G or --gui command-line option, launches the Select working directory dialog before opening the System Coupling GUI.

The GUI then opens in the specified working directory.