Undo and Redo

SpaceClaim stores all your actions from the moment you open the SpaceClaim application until you close it. This includes the use of all tools in all tabs, opening and closing files, and loading and activating components. Every action is recorded and can be undone and redone.

Undo and redo allows you to have multiple models open and move between them making changes. You can return to any window where you have been working and undo changes from the last time you worked in the window.

Dependencies created between windows, however, will permanently merge the Undo operations for those windows. For example, if you open a component of an assembly in a second window, a model dependent on the first window, the Undo operations will be merged. Making changes in the first window and then choosing to Undo those changes in the second window will undo the changes in both windows.

The undo list is set to 50 steps by default. You can modify this number, but it's recommend that you keep the default setting.