SpaceClaim Objects

The SpaceClaim interface describes objects slightly differently than other modeling software you might be familiar with.

  • Assembly constraints: Components are aligned using assembly constraints.
  • Body: In SpaceClaim, a body is a solid or surface.
  • Component: A component consists of any number of objects, such as solids and surfaces. You can think of a component as a "part." A component can also contain any number of sub-components. You can think of a hierarchy of components and subcomponents as an "assembly."
  • Curve: An imported Curve file.
  • Document: A SpaceClaim .scdoc file may contain any combination of design versions, associated drawing sheets, and 3D markup slides.
  • Design: A design is a 2D or 3D model, which contains at least one top-level component.
  • Object: An object is anything recognizable by SpaceClaim tools. For example, 3D objects include vertices, edges, faces, surfaces, solids, layouts, planes, axes, and origins. 2D objects include points and lines.

Examples of some object types are shown below:
