Rotating a Sheet Metal Wall

  1. Click Move in the Edit group on the Design tab.
  2. Select a face of the wall you want to rotate.
    The face you select determines the rotation point:
    Select the inner face to rotate around the inside of the bend:
    Select the outer face to rotate around the outside of the bend (the outer mold line):
    When a wall is rotated around the outer mold line, the size of the walls change. This type of rotation is useful because the mold line is a measurable point for inspection.
    If the face is connected to more than one junction, then the junction closest to the point where you click is selected:
  3. Select the blue rotation axis and rotate the wall.
    The Move tool will stop when the wall touches another wall.
    The bend will reverse direction if you rotate the wall so its angle is greater than 180°.