Pulling a Sheet Metal Part

  1. Click the Pull tool in the Edit group in the Sheet Metal tab.
    Shortcut keys work for all of the tools on both tabs. For example, you can press P to activate the Pull tool from either the Design tab or the Sheet Metal tab.
  2. Change the Junction and Relief tool settings in the Modify group, if necessary.
    The settings of these tools are used when you pull. For example, if the Junction tool is set to Sharp, then a sharp edge is created when you pull. The tools' icons change to represent their current settings, so you can see them at a glance.
  3. (Optional) Change the bend behavior in the Options panel:
    The bend options control where bend radii are created in relation to adjacent walls.
    • Use Edge Location: When you pull a sheet metal edge, the location of the bend radius depends on the edge you select and the direction you pull.

      When you pull away from the other edge (1), the selected edge becomes an inside corner. When you pull across the other edge (2), the selected edge becomes an outside corner.

    • Inside: The length of the inside surface of the wall is maintained, like 1 in the illustration above.

    • Outside: The length of the outside surface of the wall is maintained, like 2 in the illustration above.
    • Offset: The amount of space to allow for the bend when pulling.

    • Bend angle: The angle between the two walls.

    • Bend radius: The inside radius of the bend.

  4. Select one of the following:
    • An edge to create a new wall with the default sheet thickness.

    • A thickness face to extend an existing wall.

    • A wall face to offset (or move) the wall in the direction of the Pull arrow.

    • A thickness edge to round or chamfer the edge. You cannot create a hem on a non-thickness edge.

  5. (Optional) Click the Pull Direction tool guide or hold Alt and select a reference element to set the direction of the pull.
  6. (Optional) Click the Up To tool guide or press U and select a face, edge, or point to pull up to.
  7. Click a yellow Pull arrow and drag in the direction of the arrow.