Modifying a Hem

  1. Select one or more hems.
  2. Select an option from the Hem tool.
    You can also select a hem type from the mini-toolbar or modify the Hem Type in the Sheet Metal section in the Properties panel. Depending which hem type you select, you can modify the Length, Height, Gap, and Diameter values.
    With a hem selected, you can also modify the hem's Inner Radius, Bend Steps, Bend Allowance (BA) and Bend Deduction (BD) parameters in the Sheet Metal section of the Properties panel. When you change a hem's BA, the BD parameter also automatically updates, depending on the hem's other parameters, such as Inner Radius, Height, or Angle.
    With a hem selected, you can also modify the hem's Inner Radius, Bend Steps, Bend Allowance (BA) and Bend Deduction (BD) parameters in the Sheet Metal section of the Properties panel. When you change a hem's BA, the BD parameter also automatically updates, depending on the hem's other parameters, such as Inner Radius, Height, or Angle.