Pulling a Sheet Metal Parts Examples

Pulling a wall with an adjacent wall creates a matching angle in the end of the new wall.

Pulling one side of a wall moves the wall and changes adjacent walls.

Moving walls using the Up To tool guide.

Pulling a wall up to an angled wall. The wall merges to the walls from which it extends. The extension and angled wall do not merge, a small gap is maintained.

Creating swept sheet metal walls by selecting a tangent chain of edges and pulling them perpendicular to the chain (left). Swept sheet metal walls can be unfolded (right).

Pulling the edge of an inner loop to create a flange form. Edge reliefs are created automatically and can be unfolded. (Reliefs are not highlighted in the figure because they are not yet classified as edge reliefs).

Pulling an angled sheet metal wall. The neighboring wall is modified so that it does not maintain the junction.

Using the Revolve tool guide to maker an angled end face.