Small/Large Units

You cannot mix Standard units and Small or Large units in the same SpaceClaim session.

  • New Designs - If you attempt to create a new design using small/large units when standard unit designs are open, a warning is issued. The same is true for creating a design using standard units when small/large unit designs are open.
  • Opening Designs - If you attempt to open a design with small units when standard unit designs are open, a warning is issued. The same is true for opening a design with standard units when small/large unit designs are open.
  • Inserting designs - If you attempt to insert a small/large unit design into a standard design, a warning is issued. The same is true when you attempt to insert a standard unit design into a small/large unit design.

Drawings are an exception for mixing units. Drawing sheets are always in standard units (for example, millimeters or inches) for annotations (sketched geometry, dimension and note text, etc.). This will result in different scaling factors for drawing views, since the geometry in the views is using small/large units.

Detailing options are in standard units even if the design is in small/large units.

Because Drawing Sheets are in standard units, measurements reported by certain tools will show standard units. This applies to the following tools.

  • Pull Round
  • Pull Chamfer
  • Insert Sphere
  • Insert Cylinder

The following SpaceClaim options are disabled when working in small/large units.

  • Use dual Dimensions
  • Show nearest fraction
  • Sheet Metal options are disabled for nanometers

The following tools are disabled when working in small/large units.

  • Standard Holes
  • Sheet Metal tools (disabled for nanometers only)