FMD File Options

Export Options
Resolution Coarse, Medium, Fine Select to use the deviation and angle preset values.

Select to use Deviation and Angle sliders to set the resolution of the mesh.

Deviation is the distance between a chord drawn through a curved cross-section of the model and the curve's most distal point. The angle is the angle that the chord line makes with a line tangent to the cross-section curve.

Facet maximum edge length Select to enter a desired edge length. The value you specify is the maximum value for the edges, however smaller edge lengths may be created. In general, the modeler attempts to meet the desired edge length setting, but in some design scenarios, may create an edge length that is less than what you specify as your facet maximum edge length setting, to best accommodate the design.
Facet maximum aspect ratio Select to change the triangle faceting ratio when you export the FMD file.