AMF Options

Import Options
Connected facets Select to create a lightweight faceted body with full connectivity information between facets
Simple facets Select to create a lightweight faceted body with no connectivity information between facets.
Solid/surface body Select to convert AMF triangles into full geometry. File size and memory usage is large. Specify Merge faces.
Export Options
Compress file Export a compressed file.
Resolution (Deviation is in current model units):
  • Coarse: Deviation = 2mm, Angle = 30 degrees

  • Medium: Deviation = 0.75mm, Angle = 30 degrees

  • Fine: Deviation = 0.5mm, Angle = 30 degrees

  • Custom: Enter custom values for Deviation and Angle

Facet maximum edge length Enter a value in current model units
Facet maximum edge length Enter a value in the range 1- 10.