Fix Sharps Tool Guides and Options

Fix Sharps Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Problem The Select Problem tool guide is active by default. This tool guide allows you to select and fix problem areas that are automatically found by the tool.
Select Geometry The Select Geometry tool guide allows you to select geometry that was not found as a problem area.
Exclude Problem The Exclude Problem tool guide allows you to exclude areas from selection and fixing.
Complete The Complete tool guide fixes all remaining problem areas.

Fix Sharps Tool Options

The following options are available to control how sharps are fixed:

Sharp edges This applies to the angle between normals of facets that share an edge. Any edges with an edge angle greater than the specified angle will be found.
Sharp vertices This applies to the angle between normals of any two facets that share a vertex. Any vertices with an angle greater than the specified angle will be found.
Convex Convex sharps are found. These are sharps that point outward.
Concave Concave sharps are found. These are sharps that point inward.