Creating a Fill Pattern

  1. Click the Fill tool in the Create group on the Design tab.
  2. Select a protrusion or depression to be the first member (leader) of the pattern. The Direction tool guide activates.
  3. Select a line, edge, axis, or a set of points to set the direction of the pattern.
  4. Modify the options in the Options panel
    Pattern Type: Grid, Offset, or Skewed
    Modify the X Spacing or Y Spacing for Grid or Offset patterns.
    Modify Row X Offset, Row Y Offset, Column X Offset, and Column Y Offset for Skewed patterns.
    Modify the Margin values. A dashed orange boundary line displays the pattern's marginal boundary.
    As you switch between pattern types, or change pattern values, the pattern preview displays your changes in blue.
  5. Select the Create Pattern tool guide, or press Enter, to complete the pattern.

When the pattern is previewed, any members which cannot be created are shown in red. Members that can be created are shown in blue.

In SpaceClaim, any pattern member can be used to modify the pattern after you create it. If the change cannot be made to all pattern members, the member that cannot change is still part of the pattern.