Split Face Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Target The Select Target tool guide is active by default. If you did not pre-select the target face or surface, you can select it from within the Split tool using the Select tool guide. Ctrl+click multiple surfaces or solid faces in the same plane to split them all.
Split Edge Use the Split Edge tool guide to split edges, curves, or beams.
Select Cutter Face The Select Cutter Face tool guide activates once you select a target. When this tool guide is active, click to select the face or surface you want to use to create an edge on the target.
Select UV Cutter Point The Select UV Cutter Point tool guide activates once you select a target. Mouse over an edge to preview the new edges that will be created. Click to create the edge on the selected face. You can mouse over an edge with this tool guide to display and edit the length along the edge, and the percentage of the edge that is between the first point and the end point.
Select Perpendicular Cutter Point The Select Perpendicular Cutter Point tool guide activates once you select a target. Select an edge to preview where the perpendicular split will be made. Click to create the edge on the selected face. The face is split perpendicular to the edge you select.
Select Two Cutter Points The Select Two Cutter Points tool guide activates once you select a target. Click to select the first point on an edge, then mouse over another edge to preview the new edge that will be created. Click to create the edge on the selected face. The shortest line is drawn between the two points. You can mouse over an edge with this tool guide to display and edit the length along the edge, and the percentage of the edge that is between the first point and the end point.
Select Results Select the Select Results tool guide, then click newly created edges to remove any edges you don't want to keep.