Inserting an Image

  1. Click File in the Part group on the Assembly tab.
  2. Select the BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, PNG, or TIF image file you want to insert and click Open.
    You can select Image files from the Files of type drop-down menu to filter the files list.
  3. (Optional) Zoom the image in or out by Ctrl+Alt+dragging with the middle mouse button.
  4. Mouse over the design to align the image with the highlighted object.
    To place an image on a curved face, select the Place Wrapped Image tool guide if you want the image to flow over the curved face. Otherwise, the image will be placed tangent to the curved face. You may also use this tool guide to place a wrapped image on a planar face. The edges of the image are clipped to accommodate the size and shape of the planar face.
  5. Click the face that defines the plane on which you want to insert the image. You can place an image on a datum plane.
    The image appears in the Structure tree. The image's name is based on the file name from which the image was created. Removing or altering the image in SpaceClaim does not affect the original file.