Inserting Another Design as a Component

Drag and drop a file from outside SpaceClaim into the Design window, or follow the steps below.

  1. Select Open from the File menu or click in the Quick Access toolbar. You can also insert into an existing design using the File tool in the Part group on the Assembly tab.
  2. Navigate to and select the design you want to include as a component, then click Open on the Open Design window. You can select more than one SpaceClaim document, and they will be inserted as components.
    You can select from the Files of type drop-down menu to filter the files list.
    Progress is displayed on the status bar until the design is inserted as an external component. You can insert multiple copies of the same component. Modifying one of these components will modify every copy unless you make them internal to your design.
    If the design consists of multiple files and some files can't be found, you will get the Missing Files dialog which allows you to browse to locate these files.