Exploding an Assembly

  1. Select a Configuration other than Default from the drop-down list in the Configurations group of the Assembly tab. Be sure the configuration is Explodable.If no such configuration is available, click Add to create a Configuration.The name of the top-level assembly in the Structure tree will be renamed to indicate an exploded view.
  2. Click Explode.The tool guides for selecting an assembly is enabled.
  3. With the Select Subassembly To Explode tool guide, select the assembly to be exploded. The selected assembly will be highlighted with a shaded bounding box in the Design window. Hidden components are ignored when exploding.
    The tool guide for setting the direction of explosion is enabled.
  4. With Select Explosion Direction selected, select an edge, axis, or origin axis to set the direction of the explode.
    An exploded preview is displayed using bounding boxes.
    Tool guides to reposition the exploded view (optional) or complete the explosion are enabled.
  5. (Optional) Use the arrows or the anchor to reposition the exploded components relative to the rest of the model.
    Use the Move Exploded Components tool guide to drag the exploded view in the direction of the arrows.
    Use the Anchor Component tool guide to lock the position of one component. All others will be moved relative to the anchor in the exploded view.
  6. Set the spacing for the exploded view in the Options-Explode panel. The default Spacing is Normal, but other options are available : Custom, Close, Normal, and Wide.
    Custom uses the slider in the Options panel to set the spacing visually for your exploded components.
  7. Click Complete .
    Note: You cannot disable the exploded view and reapply any assembly mating constraints using the Exploded lock tool on an exploded configuration. You should create a new configuration in that case.

(Optional) Use the Level option in the Options-Explode panel to set the number of assembly levels to explode.

The default Level 1 will explode only the selected assembly. Selecting a higher Level will explode sub-assemblies, if they exist, under the selected assembly in the Structure tree.

Bodies need to be inside components in order to be exploded. In this example, each body in the Shaft assembly was in its own component whereas all bodies in the Housing assembly were in a single component.