2. Configuring Shared Web Licensing

The Ansys Licensing Settings utility contains several options that can be used to configure the licensing behavior on a machine. These options can be set through the utility’s command line as well as through the desktop application.

Unless otherwise specified by the user during installation, the Ansys Licensing Settings utility is located at


< Ansys Product Installation Location>\licensingclient\winx64\LicensingSettings.exe


< Ansys Product Installation Location>/ licensingclient/linx64/LicensingSettings

Additional information is available in the Licensing Settings utility command line by using the “--help” option at each command and menu structure level.

2.1. Enabling Shared Web Licensing via Command Line

To enable Shared Web Licensing via the LicensingSettings command line interface (CLI), use the following command:

LicensingSettings web shared enable

2.2. Defining License Service Priority via Command Line

Users with multiple licensing models can prioritize them from the Ansys Licensing Settings utility. Ansys Licensing will attempt to consume a license from the first service in the priority, falling back to the second and/or third service if the license is unavailable in a higher-priority service. The priority can be set using the following command:

LicensingSettings preferences service set --input "Shared web","FlexNet Publisher","Elastic web"

Where the order of the services in the command is the order of your preference.

Note:  “Elastic web” must always be last in the list.