General Errors Related to CAD Integration

For further clarification of errors listed below, contact Ansys Technical Support. More information about Ansys Technical Support and Technology Enhancements and Customer Support (TECS) is available via the Ansys customer site. You must register and create a password to access the Ansys customer site via the Ansys website (

Error Message Cause of Error
The required license is unavailable. Plug-in license was not able to be checked out.
Assemblies not licensed. User attempting to attach an assembly model, but did not purchase or properly configure assembly licensing.
Cannot open part file. If call to CAD to open model file fails this message is displayed.
Unable to retrieve part. Part model is wireframe model in UG.
No model is currently active. The CAD system has no model open.
Unable to acquire part data. Query of CAD part data returned failure message.
Assembly has no parts. An assembly model has no parts or all have been suppressed.
Unknown entity. CAD identifies model element as a type unknown to plug-in.
Registration access error. Attempt to read information for system registry returned error.
Plug-In not found. An attempt to use a plug-in that does not exist.
Failed to load String Table. Localized string table was not able to be loaded, may not exist. Error is not fatal, will cause messages to appear as somewhat cryptic.
Unable to activate document. Unable to make identified model the active model.
There are no active parts in the model. A part model has had the part suppressed.
Regeneration failure. During an update, when changing a parameter value if the CAD is unable to update with the value set passed it this message will be displayed. When possible, the model is changed back to its previous state.
Attach failed. General failure that indicates the attach was unable to be completed.
Refresh failed. General failure that indicates the attach was unable to be updated.
No active document. CAD system running with no model opened.
Unable to access the selected file.The file is either protected against reading or does not exist in the specified location. Note that Creo Parametric users may not use models specified with a UNC path.
A Fatal Exception was caught.An unexpected error occurred within the plug-in. Report issue to TECS.

CAD Geometry Fails to Import  —  If you attempt to import geometry and the Plug-in or Reader fails to load properly or the geometry fails to load, or if DesignModeler fails to start, the CAD configuration may not have been completed properly during the Ansys Workbench installation process. Although the product installation and CAD configuration steps can be done as a non-administrative user, administrative rights are required to fully configure several Ansys CAD products, including the Ansys Workbench Plug-Ins for Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt, *.iam), Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, Solid Edge, and SOLIDWORKS. NX in Reader mode also requires administrative rights to configure. If these products were not configured as administrator, the registration may not have completed properly and you could see CAD-related errors. See Using the CAD Configuration Manager in the Ansys, Inc. Windows Installation Guide for detailed information on configuring these CAD products properly.

If you ran a silent prerequisite installation, you may need to reboot your machine to complete the prerequisite installation before you can successfully import a geometry.