N-th Order Sine Butterworth

Performs the n-th order sine Butterworth filter on the signal S and can be used to remove high frequency noise. A detailed description of the expected arguments is:

  • S, the data which shall be filtered,

  • w, the desired cutoff frequency (if the filter type ft is LOWPASS or HIGHPASS w must be a scalar between 0 and 0.5/T and if the filter type is BANDPASS or BANDSTOP the filter expects a 2-dimensional vector with lower cutoff FL and upper cutoff FU with 0 < FL < FU < 0.5/T), where T is the smallest time between two samples of S,

  • n, the order of the filter,

  • ft, the filter type,

  • it, the interpolation type (used if S is not equally spaced),

  • dstart and dend, the start and end slope for the interpolation (see function interpolate() for more information)

  • c0 and cE, the specified pre-charging method (ZERO means a pre-charging with zeros and CONSTANT a pre-charging with the first data point)

  • b, a boolean value which specifies how the filter shall be performed (if b is set to TRUE, S will be filtered first forward and afterwards backward, else it will only be filtered forward).



 Variable NameValue TypeVariable Type
Arguments:Srealsignal, xy-data
wrealscalar, vector
itInterpolationTypeLINEAR, QUAD, SPLINE
dstart realscalar
dend realscalar
c0 ConditionTypeZERO, CONSTANT
cE ConditionTypeZERO, CONSTANT
Result:   real signal, xydata
Calculator Input

Use the sineButterworthFilter button to complete the operation.