Server Commands

Commands are used to perform project actions and to set project settings and actor properties. Like queries, commands must be in JSON format. A request can contain multiple commands. These are executed in the specified order. The general query template is as follows (<> is optional and/or command specific):

{ "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "COMMAND"<, "args": {}><, "actor_uid": ""><, "hid": ""> } ] <more commands>} ]<, "Password": "foobar"> }

Commands that display a dialog box can specify an optional argument usage_mode with one of the following values: [ DEFAULT, BEGINNER, ADVANCED, EXPERT, WIZARD, WIZARD_IN_OSL_INSIDE_ANSYS, ANSYS_WORKBENCH ]

The following commands are supported:


    Creates criterion for the system. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the argument criterion_type, expression, name , and optionally limit.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"criterion_type":"max", "expression": "Y", "limit": "", "name": "obj2"}, "command": "ADD_CRITERION", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Applies a wizard on a node or system. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the argument type and optionally the arguments usage_mode, use_existing_system and/or parent_hwnd.

    The type argument must be specified by one of the following values: [ solver, sensitivity, optimization, robustness, reevaluation ]. For an empty type, a pre-selection page is offered.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "APPLY_WIZARD", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "type": "sensitivity" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "APPLY_WIZARD", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "type": "sensitivity", "use_existing_system": true, "usage_mode": "EXPERT" } } ] } ] }


    Produces lists of available node types, divided into built-in nodes and the different plugin node categories.

    { "What": "AVAILABLE_NODES" }


    Closes the current project.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CLOSE" } ] } ] }


    Connects nodes or systems via a connection line. The request needs to contain the args entry, containing the arguments from_actor_uid, from_slot, to_actor_uid and to_slot.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CONNECT_NODES", "args": { "from_actor_uid": "3751b23c-3efb-459e-9b73-49cb4ae77e67", "from_slot": "OMDBPath", "to_actor_uid": "e849f1e9-75b0-4472-8447-d076b33c47bf", "to_slot": "IMDBPath" } } ] } ] }


    Creates a new input slot for an actor. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the argument slot_name and optionally the argument type_hint.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_INPUT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyInputSlot" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_INPUT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyInputSlot", "type_hint": "DESIGN_TYPE" } } ] } ] }


    Creates a new node or system in the project, returning the ID of the created node/system. The request must contain the the args entry containing a mandatory type entry, as well as one or multiple of the following optional entries:

    • name

    • parent_uid

    • design_flow

    • integration_type

    • algorithm_type

    • node_type

    • mop_node_type

    The integration_type, algorithm_type, node_type, and mop_node_type arguments are mutually exclusive and must be used in addition to the type entry when creating plugin nodes of certain categories. In this case, the type entry should contain the corresponding plugin ID. See the following list for accepted argument values:

    • design_flow: [RECEIVE, SEND, RECEIVE_SEND]

    • integration_type: [integration_plugin, python_based_integration_plugin]

    • algorithm_type: [algorithm_plugin, python_based_algorithm_plugin]

    • node_type: [python_based_node_plugin]

    • mop_node_type: [python_based_mop_node_plugin]


    • { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_NODE", "args": { "type": "Sensitivity", "name": "Sensi-System" } } ] } ] }

    • { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_NODE", "args": { "type": "AnsysWorkbench", "name": "WB-Actor", "parent_uid": "fa743edb-4e0b-4302-b962-f2a32119a110", "design_flow": "RECEIVE_SEND" } } ] } ] }

    • { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_NODE", "args": { "type": "AEDT2", "name": "AEDT node", "parent_uid": "fa743edb-4e0b-4302-b962-f2a32119a110", "integration_type": "python_based_integration_plugin" } } ] } ] }

    • { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_NODE", "args": { "type": "optislang_node", "name": "optiSLang", "parent_uid": "fa743edb-4e0b-4302-b962-f2a32119a110", "integration_type": "integration_plugin" } } ] } ] }


    Creates a new output slot for an actor. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the argument slot_name and optionally the argument type_hint.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_OUTPUT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyOutputSlot" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_OUTPUT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyOutputSlot", "type_hint": "DESIGN_TYPE" } } ] } ] }


    Creates start designs for the system and evaluates their criteria. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the property sampling_type and optionally number_of_levels or number_of_samples.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "CREATE_START_DESIGNS", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "sampling_type": "fullfactorial", "number_of_levels": 2 } } ] } ] }


    Disconnects nodes or systems removing the connection line. The request needs to contain the args entry, containing the arguments from_actor_uid, from_slot, to_actor_uid, and to_slot.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "DISCONNECT_NODES", "args": { "from_actor_uid": "3751b23c-3efb-459e-9b73-49cb4ae77e67", "from_slot": "OMDBPath", "to_actor_uid": "e849f1e9-75b0-4472-8447-d076b33c47bf", "to_slot": "IMDBPath" } } ] } ] }


    Removes a connection from an actor. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the arguments slot_name and direction.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "DISCONNECT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyInputSlot", "direction": "sdInputs" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "DISCONNECT_SLOT", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "slot_name": "MyOutputSlot", "direction": "sdOutputs" } } ] } ] }


    Sets the reference design in root system, solves it and returns the result. The request must contain the parameters entry.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "EVALUATE_DESIGN", "args": { "parameters": { "X1": 1.0, "X2"; 1.0, "X3": 1.0 } } } ] } ] }


    Extract designs from the system and export it as a *.csv file. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the argument path and optionally the argument type_hint. "format" and "csv_separator".

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "EXPORT_DESIGNS", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "path": "C:/samples_path/result.csv", "format": "csv", "csv_separator": "\t" } } ] } ] }


    Finalize a stopped algorithm system to continue the calculation of further systems.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "FINALIZE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Connects a registered file to an actor.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "LINK_REGISTERED_FILE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60" } } ] } ] }

  • NEW

    Create a new project.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "NEW" } ] } ] }

  • OPEN

    Open a new project.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "OPEN", "args": { "path": "C:/samples_path/Project.opf", "do_force": true, "do_restore": false, "do_reset": false } } ] } ] }


    Pause project execution.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "PAUSE" } ] } ] }


    Requests actor state reevaluation for a specific actor/hid combination. Actor state reevaluation is only processed if supported by the actor.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REEVALUATE_STATE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REEVALUATE_STATE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "hid": "0.1" } ] } ] }


    Refresh or reset the listener unregister policy timer for a client to prevent the automatic listener un-registration. The request must contain the args entry, containing the property ID.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REFRESH_LISTENER_REGISTRATION", "args": { "uid": "8a79b28a-d79e-4a78-bf22-293f15c02b25" } } ] } ] }


    Adds a file in the central file registry, returning a reference ID.

    All arguments are optional and can be, for example, the following values: uid, ident, local_location, action, and so on.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_FILE", "args": { "ident": "File 42", "action": "Send", "local_location": { "split_path": {"head": "", "tail": "C:/samples_path/result.txt" }, "base_path": "", "base_path_mode": "ABSOLUTE_PATH" } } } ] } ] }


    Register a client, returning a reference ID.

    This command can be used to register clients at the server. As long as any client is registered, optiSLang does not shut down automatically when the project is finished, or when receiving SHUTDOWN commands. This can be useful when multiple clients are using an optiSLang instance simultaneously and you need to keep the optiSLang instance alive until the last client quits using it. Registered clients are unregistered automatically when the listener unregister policy timer has expired. To prevent this, the timer can be refreshed periodically by sending a refresh listener command (see REFRESH_LISTENER_REGISTRATION).

    he arguments are either the ID of the local listener or the IP and port of the TCP listener. Optionally, you can specify the listener unregister policy timeout in milliseconds and the desired push-notifications (see SUBSCRIBE_FOR_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS). The default timeout value is 60000 milliseconds.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "id": "123456" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "id": "123456", "timeout": 30000 } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "host": "", "port": 5330 } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "host": "", "port": 5330, "timeout": 30000 } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "host": "", "port": 5330, "timeout": 30000, "notifications": ["LOG_ERROR", "LOG_WARNING"] } } ] } ] }


    Registers a certain (input) location as a input slot. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the mandatory argument location, and optional arguments name and reference_value. The format of the location entry depends on the (integration) actor type.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"location": {}, "name": "my_name", "reference_value": 42.0}, "command": "REGISTER_LOCATION_AS_INPUT_SLOT", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Registers a certain (output) location as an internal variable. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the mandatory argument location, and optional arguments name and reference_value. The format of the location entry depends on the (integration) actor type.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"location": {}, "name": "my_name", "reference_value": 42.0}, "command": "REGISTER_LOCATION_AS_INTERNAL_VARIABLE", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Registers a certain (output) location as a output slot. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the mandatory argument location, and optional arguments name and reference_value. The format of the location entry depends on the (integration) actor type.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"location": {}, "name": "my_name", "reference_value": 42.0}, "command": "REGISTER_LOCATION_AS_OUTPUT_SLOT", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Registers a certain (input) location as a parameter. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the mandatory argument location, and optional arguments name and reference_value. The format of the location entry depends on the (integration) actor type.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"location": {}, "name": "my_name", "reference_value": 42.0}, "command": "REGISTER_LOCATION_AS_PARAMETER", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Initial registration of all input locations as parameters. The request must contain the actor_uid entry.

    Currently only supported for plugins.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LOCATIONS_AS_PARAMETER", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Registers a certain (output) location as a response. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the mandatory argument location, and optional arguments name and reference_value. The format of the location entry depends on the (integration) actor type.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"location": {}, "name": "my_name", "reference_value": 42.0}, "command": "REGISTER_LOCATION_AS_RESPONSE", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Initial registration of all output locations as responses. The request must contain the actor_uid entry.

    Currently only supported for plugins.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REGISTER_LOCATIONS_AS_RESPONSE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Removes all criteria from the system. The request must consist of actor_uid.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "command": "REMOVE_CRITERIA", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Removes existing criterion from the system. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the argument name of the criterion to be removed.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"name": "obj2"}, "command": "REMOVE_CRITERION", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Removes an existing node or system in the project. The request must contain the actor_uid entry.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "REMOVE_NODE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Removes the parameter from registered parameters at the actor.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"name": "my_name"}, "command": "REMOVE_PARAMETER", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Removes the response from registered responses at the actor.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"name": "my_name"}, "command": "REMOVE_RESPONSE", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Adjust all input locations with the already registered parameters. The request must contain the actor_uid entry.

    Currently only supported for plugins.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RE_REGISTER_LOCATIONS_AS_PARAMETER", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Adjust all output locations with the already registered responses. The request must contain the actor_uid entry.

    Currently only supported for plugins.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RE_REGISTER_LOCATIONS_AS_RESPONSE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }


    Reset complete project or a specific actor state. For a complete project reset, do not specify the actor_uid and hid entries.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RESET" } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RESET", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "hid": "0.1" } ] } ] }


    Restart project that has already been run.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RESTART" } ] } ] }


    Resume project execution from paused state.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RESUME" } ] } ] }


    Loads a Python script in a project context and executes it. The request must contain the args entry, containing the argument script and optionally the argument args as array for script arguments.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RUN_PYTHON_SCRIPT", "args": { "script": "C:/samples_path/" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RUN_PYTHON_SCRIPT", "args": { "script": "C:/samples_path/", "args": [ "Sensi", "True" ] } } ] } ] }


    Performs actions for all or a specific registered file.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RUN_REGISTERED_FILES_ACTIONS" } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "RUN_REGISTERED_FILES_ACTIONS", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60" } } ] } ] }

  • SAVE

    Save the changed data and settings of the current project.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SAVE" } ] } ] }


    Save and open the current project at a new location.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SAVE_AS", "args": { "path": "C:/samples_path/Project.opf", "do_force": true, "do_restore": false, "do_reset": false } } ] } ] }


    Save the current project as a copy to a location.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SAVE_COPY", "args": { "path": "C:/samples_path/Project.opf" } } ] } ] }


    Change an actor property. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the property name and the value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_ACTOR_PROPERTY", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "name": "MaxParallel", "value": "32" } } ] } ] }


    Change an actor setting. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the property name and the value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_ACTOR_SETTING", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "name": "maximum_designs_to_validate", "value": "5" } } ] } ] }


    Change an actor state property. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the property name and the value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_ACTOR_STATE_PROPERTY", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "name": "stop_after_execution", "value": "true" } } ] } ] }


    Sets the properties of existing criterion for the system. The request must consist of actor_uid as well as the args entry, containing the argument criterion_name, name, and value of the property to be changed.

    {"projects": [{"commands": [{"actor_uid": "8d6a661e-a8d3-4177-b69b-e0d7c87f8e28", "args": {"criterion_name": "obj2", "name": "type", "value": "min"}, "command": "SET_CRITERION_PROPERTY", "type": "builtin"}]}]}


    Change a placeholder. The request must contain the args entry, containing the placeholder name and the value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", "args": { "name": "model_name", "value": "model1" } } ] } ] }


    Change a project setting. The request must contain the args entry, containing the setting name and the value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_PROJECT_SETTING", "args": { "name": "number_of_message_queue_threads", "value": "64" } } ] } ] }


    Changes a property of a registered file. The request must contain the args entry, containing the UID and a property with name and value.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_REGISTERED_FILE_VALUE", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60", "name": "embedded", "value": "true" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_REGISTERED_FILE_VALUE", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60", "name": "local_location", "value": { "split_path": {"head": "", "tail": "C:/samples_path/result.txt" }, "base_path": "", "base_path_mode": "ABSOLUTE_PATH" } } } ] } ] }


    Sets the start designs of the system and evaluates their criteria. The request must contain the actor_uid entry as well as the args entry, containing the property start_designs.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_START_DESIGNS", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "start_designs": "[{"id": 1,...}]" } } ] } ] }

    An example of the JSON structure of start designs:

    [ { "id": 1, "run_state": "done", "parameters": { "header": 0, "sequence": [ { "First": "X1", "Second": 3.14 }, { "First": "X2", "Second": -3.14 } ] }, "responses": { "header": 0, "sequence": [ { "First": "Y", "Second": -11.60 } ] }, "criteria": { "header": 0, "sequence": [ { "First": "obj_Y", "Second": { "lhs": "", "rhs": "Y", "type": "min" } } ] } } ]


    Sets an actor execution state for a specific HID to succeed.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_SUCCEEDED_STATE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SET_SUCCEEDED_STATE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "hid": "0.1" } ] } ] }


    Shows a project or application dialog box. The request must contain the args entry with the argument type. You can also specify the following optional arguments: usage_mode and/or parent_hwnd. The type argument must be specified by one of the following values:

    Application dialogs: [ about, help, settings, plugin ]

    Project dialogs: [ project_settings, project_overview, license_management, registered_files, purge, load_from, save_to ]

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHOW_DIALOG", "args": { "type": "help" } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHOW_DIALOG", "args": { "type": "project_settings" } } ] } ] }


    Shows a node or system specific dialog box. By default, this is the edit dialog box. The request must contain the actor_uid entry. In addition, the following optional arguments can be specified using the args entry: blocking, type, usage_mode, and/or parent_hwnd.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHOW_NODE_DIALOG", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95" } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHOW_NODE_DIALOG", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "blocking": true } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHOW_NODE_DIALOG", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "type": "help" } } ] } ] }


    Stop listening for incoming connections, discard pending requests, and shut down the server. Batch mode exclusive: Continue project run until execution finished. Terminate optiSLang.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHUTDOWN" } ] } ] }


    Batch mode exclusive: Continue project run until execution finished. Stop listening for incoming connections, discard pending requests, shutdown the server. Terminate optiSLang.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SHUTDOWN_WHEN_FINISHED" } ] } ] }


    Start project execution.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "START" } ] } ] }

  • STOP

    Stop project execution.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "STOP" } ] } ] }


    Stop project execution after the current design is finished.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "STOP_GENTLY" } ] } ] }


    Subscribe to push notifications sent to the client. The request must contain the args entry, containing the property UID and notifications with an array of the following values or the value ALL to subscribe to all messages.

    Server: [ SERVER_UP, SERVER_DOWN ] (always be sent by default).




    You can also specify a node_types filter as an array to restrict the notifications to these types.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SUBSCRIBE_FOR_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS", "args": { "uid": "8a79b28a-d79e-4a78-bf22-293f15c02b25", "notifications": ["ALL"] } } ] } ] }

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "SUBSCRIBE_FOR_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS", "args": { "uid": "8a79b28a-d79e-4a78-bf22-293f15c02b25", "notifications": ["ALL"], "node_types": ["Sensitivity", "AnsysWorkbench"] } } ] } ] }


    Disconnects a registered file from an actor.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "UNLINK_REGISTERED_FILE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60" } } ] } ] }


    Removes a file from the central file registry. The request must contain the args entry, containing the property UID.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "UNREGISTER_FILE", "args": { "uid": "d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-aa05-0ddc19794c60" } } ] } ] }


    Unregister a client. The request must contain the args entry, containing the property ID.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "UNREGISTER_LISTENER", "args": { "uid": "8a79b28a-d79e-4a78-bf22-293f15c02b25" } } ] } ] }


    Writes the simulation results from the system to a monitoring database file (*.omdb). The request must contain the actor_uid entry. In addition, the following optional arguments can be specified using the args entry: path and/or hid.

    { "projects": [ { "commands": [ { "type": "builtin", "command": "WRITE_MONITORING_DATABASE", "actor_uid": "5cdfb20b-bef6-4412-9985-89f5ded5ee95", "args": { "path": "C:/samples_path/result.omdb", "hid": "0.1" } } ] } ] }