Reevaluation Wizard

The reevaluation wizard sets up a reevaluation system by guiding you through all necessary tasks. As much as possible, configurations and preferences are detected automatically. Use this wizard on any parametric/algorithm system containing design directories within its working directory. That way the path of design directories, design directory formats and design numbers can be found. None of the involved systems are modified and no data will be lost.

  1. From the Wizards pane, drag the Reevaluation wizard on top of an existing parametric system in the Scenery pane and let it drop.

  2. On the Reevaluation settings page, set the following:

    Path to design directoriesSet the path to the design directories. The suggested path is the working directory of the original parametric system in optiSLang. If design directories are located elsewhere, click   and browse to the location.
    Design directory formatIf required, modify the design directory format. The design directory format can be modified here. Default format is Design%04d. Any format containing a placeholder for integer numbers is valid. Integers might be represented by %d, %i, %x or %o. For several times in the path occurring numbers, use %1%. Some examples are:
    • Design%04d finds Design0001 or Design0112

    • Design%1%/dp%1% finds Design1/dp1 or Design223/dp223

    Design numbersList design numbers using all, [, -, ] or ;. These do not have to be consecutive, for example [1-3];5;[7-10]. Leaving this line empty means taking all designs.
    Merge dataWhen selected, displays the following options:
    • Path to monitoring database

      Browse for the corresponding optiSLang monitoring database file.

    • Merge input data

      If parameters have been removed from the system and Merge input data is selected, the removed parameter values are merged back from the monitoring database file into the design table. If it is not selected, these values will not appear in the design table.

    • Merge output data

      If responses or criteria have been added to the system, result designs display them regardless of selection. If items have been removed from the system and Merge output data is selected, result values of removed items are merged back from the monitoring database file into the result design table. If it is not selected, these values will not appear in the design table.

    Dependent parameter handlingSelect from the following options:
    • Leave and read as is

      Does not make any changes to the parameters set. All dependent parameters are read as they are in file. They are not calculated.

    • Change to mixed parameter

      Transforms all dependent parameters to parameters with type Opt.+Stoch. Values are read from file.

    • Remove from parameters

      Removes all dependent parameters from the parameters set. Values will not be read.

  3. On the Additional options page, set the following:

    Show postprocessing during algorithm runWhen selected, opens postprocessing as soon as the minimum number of required designs are solved.
    Show postprocessing on algorithm terminationWhen selected, the postprocessing opens after the algorithm is finished.
    Wait for user-interaction to continueWhen selected, waits for some user interaction before continuing the algorithm postprocessing. This is useful for certain workflows, for example, to deactivate designs and save a reduced data set.
    Show reduced data-set if availableWhen selected, if a reduced data set with the name *_for_MOP.bin is available in the working directory, it is displayed.

    Note:  Only save the reduced data set within the postprocessing of node Postprocessing (after algorithm termination). Modifications on the binfile (*.bin) or optiSLang monitoring database file (*.omdb) during calculations might be rejected.

    Create MOPWhen selected, creates a MOP node connected either to the slot OReducedMDBPath of the Postprocessing node if any postprocessing option is selected, or to the slot OMDBPath of the sensitivity or robustness system if postprocessing is not to be shown.
  4. Click Finish.