Importing External Models

If you prepared a random field model in oSP3D, you can use it in Ansys Mechanical to generate geometric imperfections. This can be based, for example, on measurements that are to be imported into oSP3D. In oSP3D, you prepare a random field simulation and export the geometric changes to Mechanical APDL format.

When selecting Import > Import external model from the extension's toolbar, you must specify the file randomfield_amplitudes.csv from the simulation directory. The directory is then imported into the Ansys Workbench project by a copy and the new node appears in the Mechanical tree with the name Generate variations (oSP3D).

Generate variations (oSP3D)
  • Solver options

    • Number of CPUs used by oSP3D

      If you plan to use Mechanical in a DOE, you should limit the number of CPUs used because oSP3D typically takes 100% CPU load and reduces the efficiency of parallel tasks. If you want to get full CPU power, for example, enter 0 to get all CPU cores.

    • Auto-delete bad elements

      If you change this to Yes, all elements with too large distortions or negative Jacobians are erased from the mesh before the actual analysis is done. This option is helpful for complex meshes if only a small number of elements is failing and responsible for a failed design. If this option is selected, you can check the log file solve.out to learn how many elements were deleted.

  • Visualization

    Enable visualization

    After creating the model, you can visualize the individual scatter shapes associated with the random field parameters as a colored contour plot. Use this parameter to turn visualization off (default) or on. For a larger model, you should turn visualization off because visualizing a large model can be slow.

  • Input parameters

    • This lists all available random field parameters that control the outcome of the geometric imperfection.

    • You can specify the value of each parameter (or define it to be a Workbench parameter for exposure to optiSLang -> check it)

    • Also the internal name of the parameter in oSP3D is shown. This identifier may be different from the identifier being used in Workbench or later in optiSLang. It is listed here to understand the log files in oSP3D.

  • oSP3D simulation data location

    • Source item (internal)

      If the Generate-node is connected with another node, such as a synthetic random field model or a free-form variation model node, this option displays the source item in terms of a local directory path. This path is a local directory in the SYS/MECH path of the Workbench project directory.

    • Simulation data path item (internal)

      This path is a local directory in the SYS/MECH path of the Workbench project directory. It contains all data that oSP3D requires to generate imperfections. You may also find the log files in there (in the sos_log subdirectory), which is a good starting point in case of errors. Also, you can open the sos_data.sdb file in that directory in the standalone oSP3D GUI for detailed analysis of the random field model

Caution:  You must use the same mesh in Mechanical as in oSP3D. Never clear or reset the mesh.