Calculating the Relative Error

The Statistics menu option Errors and differences > Compute relative error computes the relative error ε between selected objects and results of one or typically two selected field quantities of the same data type. Acceptable field quantities are of type node or element only. For each selected design, a single result object with the same design identifiers as its sources are created. Each result object is a field vector ε that contains εk at each mesh position k:

  • You must define a quantity identifier for the new field quantity ε.

  • You can define the reference quantity identifier.

  • If you select the Use interpolated missing items check box, oSP3D uses interpolated values based on topological neighbors wherever other or ref have missing values. Otherwise, ε has missing values on the same field indices as other and ref.

  • If the reference values at mesh position k equals 0, the division would not be defined. In such cases, εk is either 1 if otherk equals ref and 0 otherwise.