Chapter 1: Structural Optimization Overview

The Ansys Structural Optimization analysis is a form-finding analysis driven by mechanical and geometrical criteria. The application obtains mechanical criteria from upstream linear structural analyses (static, modal, harmonic, or thermal). The application also supports criteria from non-linear structural analyses.

Optimization Methods

Ansys provides the following optimization methods:

  • Topology Optimization

    • Density Based : This method performs optimization based on the density of each element of your model. It employs Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) wherein density is forced to approach 0 or 1 rather than varying continuously.

    • Level Set: This method directly deals with the boundary of the shape. This enables Mechanical to deliver an unambiguous solution.

    • Mixable Density: This optimization type is using the same mathematical background as density-based method but it has been enriched thanks to cross-fertilization with the Level-Set based technology.

  • Lattice: This method enables you to compute an optimal variable density lattice distribution in your geometry.

  • Shape: This method enables you to optimize the shape of your model by morphing the mesh. As opposed to topology optimization, no topological change is allowed. This method supports solid models only.

  • Topography: This method enables you to perform shape optimization using mesh node relocations. This method supports shell models only.