2.4.2. Stress/Strain Recovery Details

The following options are available under the Stress/Strain Recovery details:


Scoping property that enables you to target the recovery process to certain parts/surfaces/edges or elements/nodes. Both named selections and geometry selections are available.

rst Options

A single property (rst file) enables you to employ a different result file than the one produced by the Analysis.

The rst file of the Analysis is the default value. The selected rst file should have the same mesh as the one employed in the analysis.

The stress output (for a Stress Recovery result) or the strain output (for a Strain Recovery result) should be saved to the rst file to be recovered. This option is enabled by setting Yes in the appropriate properties under Analysis Settings > Output Controls.

MCF Options
MCF File

Selection of the MCF employed to reconstruct stress and strain. The MCF must be formatted according to the guidelines in MCF Restrictions.

Skip Rows

Integer that controls the number of rows to skip while parsing the MCF.


Normalization method employed to produce the Modal Coordinates (Mass Normalization or Unity Normalization). This property is critical because depending on the normalization method the dimensions of the Modal Coordinates differ, yielding to different results.


The units of the MCF, in a drop-down list.

Extract Options


The Stress/Strain result can be extracted by Time/Time Step (in case of a MCF indexed by time) or by Frequency/Frequency Step (if the MCF is indexed by Frequency).

For each case a secondary property is displayed (Step Number, Display Time or Display Frequency). Steps are 1-based, meaning that the first time/frequency step is step #1.

Amplitude and Sweeping Phase

If By is set to Frequency or Frequency Step, the result is complex and therefore it can be displayed by Amplitude or Sweeping phase.

Stress/Strain Properties


The Type of result that is to be recovered:

  • Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress.

  • Maximum Principal Stress/Strain.

  • Middle Principal Stress/Strain.

  • Minimum Principal Stress/Strain.

  • Normal Stress/Strain.

  • Shear Stress/Strain.

In case of Normal or Shear Stress/Strain, an additional property is available to choose the Orientation (X, Y, Z or XY, XZ, YZ, respectively).

Shell Layer

The Shell Layer employed to recover Stress/Strain (Top, Bottom, or Middle). This property is always displayed by default although it only applies to models with shell elements. The Top layer is enabled by default.