Cyclic Optimization Options

These options are employed to enable a specific workflow useful for models that exhibit cyclic (cylindrical) symmetry. In these cases, models (rst and rst/unv) can produce bending modes at random azimuthal angles, and these options are enabled to provide the best possible correlation between them. This is performed by rotating the second model according to the options below, and providing the best match of all the possible configurations.

Cyclic Optimization

Boolean option to trigger the Cyclic Optimization workflow.

Cylindrical Coordinate System

If Cyclic Optimization is set to Yes, the cylindrical coordinate system that defines the cylindrical symmetry of the models.

Optimize By

If Cyclic Optimization is set to Yes, choose either Number of Sectors or Sector Angle, that are input through the remaining options.

Number of Sectors

If Optimize By is set to Number of Sectors, input the number of sectors that defines the symmetry of the model.

Sector Angle

If Optimize By is set to Sector Angle, input the sector angle that defines the symmetry of the model.