Combined Stress in Lever


Reference: Beer, F. & Johnston, E. (1992). Mechanics of materials (2nd ed., p.348). McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Analysis Type(s): Explicit Dynamics with Workbench LS-DYNA
Element Type(s): Solid
Input FilesLink to Input Files Download Page

Test Case

An L-shaped lever in the yz plane with a constant, circular cross-section is fixed at one end. A load is applied to the free end in the x direction. A linearly elastic, isotropic material model is used for the beam, with a Young's modulus (E) of 2.90x107 psi and Poisson's ratio of 0.3.

Determine normal stress in z-direction, shear stress in xy-direction, maximum principal stress and minimum principal stress on a point located 4 inches from the fixed end.

Figure 237: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Figure 238: Ansys Workbench Model

Ansys Workbench Model

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

E = 2.9x107 psi

ν = 0.3

L = 50 in

B = 2 in

H = 2 in

P = 150 lbf

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The closed form solution equations for the normal stress in y-direction (σy), shear stress in xy-direction (τxy), maximum principal stress (σmax) and minimum principal stress (σmin) at Point H are as follows:

where , , and
where and

Substituting for the given values above, σz = 8.842 ksi, τxy = 7.958 ksi, σmax = 13.52 ksi and, σmin = –4.682 ksi.

The LS-DYNA Explicit settings were selected to minimize solution running time but ensure that the output deflection reached a steady state free from vibrations.

The load application was defined over 0.1 seconds (the force was ramped from 0 to 150 lbf over 0.05 seconds then constant for 0.05 seconds).

The Global Damping was defined as 100.

The element used was LS-DYNA Explicit Hex 1 with an element size of 0.1 inch.

Results Comparison values are reported for the Windows 11 platform.

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetWorkbench LS-DYNAError (%)
Normal stress in z-direction (σz, ksi)8.2048.2040.0
Shear stress in xy-direction (τxy, ksi)7.3837.3830.0
Max principal stress (σmax, ksi)12.56012.5600.0
Min principal stress (σmin, ksi)–4.353–4.3530.0