| Access tools for creating and editing reference geometry (Axis, Plane, Coordinate
System and Point). |
| Access tools for creating and editing curves (Point, Line, Circle, Circular Arc,
Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, BSpline Curve, Helix, Composite Curve, Break Curve, Merge
Curve, Bridge Edge, Smooth Curve, Middle Curve, Morphing Curve, Fillet Curve, Parabola
and Hyperbola). |
| Access tools for creating and editing surfaces (Plane, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere,
Torus, Fill Plane, Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Loft, N-Side Surface, Patch Surface,
Bridge Two Faces, Combine Faces, Fit From Points/Mesh, Middle Surface, Surface
Morphing) |
| Access tools for creating and editing solids (Box, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Torus,
Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Loft, Fillet, Chamfer, Draft, Thicken, Wedge,
Boolean) |
| Access other geometry tools (Delete Entity, Blank Entity, Extend Curve, Extend
Face, Intersection, Offset, Project, Replace Face/Search Shape, Stitch Faces, Trim,
Transform, Reverse Direction, Copy Entity, Management, Heal, Topology Simplify,
Measure). |
| Access mesh creation tools (Meshing, Auto Mesh, Solid Mesh, Block Mesh, N-Line
Mesh, Tetrahedral Mesh, Blank Mesher, Element Generate, Node Edit, Element, Edit, Mass
Trim, Spot Welding, SPH Generation). |
| Access model and part tools (Assembly and SelPart, Keyword Manager, Part
Appearance, Subsystem, Group Selection, Explode, Reference Check, Renumber, Display
Entity, Create Entity, Part Color, Lighting Setup, Section Plane, Annotation, Split
Window). |
| Access element tools (Identify, Find, Blank, Move or Copy, Element Offset, Model
Transform, Shell/Segment Normal, Detach Element, Measure, Morph, Element Smoothing,
Part Trimming, Part Travel). |
| Access post-processing tools (Fringe Component, Fringe Range, History, XY Plot,
ASCII, Binary Output, Follow, Trace, State, Particle, CGAT, Chain Model, FLD, Output,
Setting, Vector). |
| Access favorite tools added Using Setting >
Toolbar Manager. |