Beta Features Disclaimer

This is beta documentation for one or more beta software features.

  • Beta features are considered unreleased and have not been fully tested nor fully validated. The results are not guaranteed by Ansys, Inc. (Ansys) to be correct. You assume the risk of using beta features.

  • At its discretion, Ansys may release, change, or withdraw beta features in future revisions.

  • Beta features are not subject to the Ansys Class 3 error reporting system. Ansys makes no commitment to resolve defects reported against beta features; however, your feedback will help us improve the quality of the product.

  • Ansys does not guarantee that database and/or input files used with beta features will run successfully from version to version of the software, nor with the final released version of the features. You may need to modify the database and/or input files before running them on other versions.

  • Documentation for beta features is called beta documentation, and it may not be written to the same standard as documentation for released features. Beta documentation may not be complete at the time of product release. At its discretion, Ansys may add, change, or delete beta documentation at any time.