2.3. Client Environment Variable Settings

You can set the following environment variables on individual machines to control their behavior, especially if you need it to be different from the general site configuration. These settings are especially useful for situations where you are testing a new product installation/license manager installation on a single machine before full site deployment, or other similar situations.


Can be used to identify a license server machine or license file. If set, this specification is used before any other license path information. The default port number assigned to Ansys, Inc. is 1055. Therefore, if your server has the hostname alpha1 and the IP address of, you can identify the server to use as 1055@alpha1 or 1055@


Indicates that the default license path should not be searched when determining the licensing path in the Ansys product. When this environment variable is set:

  • Only ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable setting is used.

  • Only the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable setting is required.

  • Settings in the ansyslmd.ini file will NOT be used. It will ignore the local server and will ignore the Specify the License Server setting.


Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot connect to the server. Default is 20 seconds. Minimum timeout period you can specify is 5 seconds and the maximum is 60 seconds. If the client determines that a server is not available in less time, it will cancel immediately.


Increases the amount of time ansyscl will wait for the FNP checkout from 5 (the default) to “N” seconds.


Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot get a response from the server. This setting applies only when the license server is running but is responding slowly (generally because of network issues or server load). Default is 60 seconds. Minimum timeout period you can specify is 30 seconds and the maximum is 300 seconds.