4.2. Application Fails to Start

This section contains information that may be useful when addressing licensing issues on the Linux platforms.

4.2.1. Application fails when initializing licensing on Linux Platform

When running Ansys applications on server versions of Red Hat 7x and CentOS 7x, Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) can block ansyscl communications.

To correct this issue, make sure to establish rules within SELinux to allow Ansys applications (ansyscl) to communicate with ansyslmd.

4.2.2. Mechanical application fails to start

A new preference is now available in Mechanical Workbench: Close Mechanical During Launch If No License in the Tools > Options dialog, under the Mechanical category. If selected, this preference terminates opening the application and displays a message if no license is available in the queue or if the license checkout process fails. Selecting this preference can save time since otherwise the application opens in read-only mode, which can be a lengthy process for large projects. You can obtain license failure information in the licensing debug file.