Prism Mesh Preparation

When generating prism mesh, preparation is essential. It is easier to edit a tetra mesh than a tetra/prism mesh. A prism mesh can also be difficult to smooth, so it will save time to start with good quality tetra or tri-surface mesh.

  • Start with a Tetra-volume mesh or Tri-surface mesh.

  • Check aspect ratios and quality.

    Highly skewed or low quality elements are not suitable for prism growth.

  • Check and fix all diagnostics.

    Single/multiple edges, non-manifold vertices, and duplicate elements will crash the prism mesher.

  • Visually scan the surface mesh.

    Look for and repair any surface discrepancies or sharp tent-like structures in the mesh.

  • Make sure part associations are correct.

    Look for a few elements of one part scattered among another part. Extruding from a few isolated elements will likely crash the prism mesher. Modify part assignments of such elements.

  • Use the Smoothing Options for Tetra and Tri surface mesh under Mesh > Global Mesh Setup > Prism Meshing Parameters when creating the prism mesh.

    Laplace is typically the best option for Triangle Quality type for the eventual prism quality.