Computing the Prism Mesh

There are two ways to initiate the prism mesh computation:

Compute Mesh > Volume Mesh > Create Prism Layers

You enable this option to create prisms next to wall geometries as part of the volume meshing process. You can choose whether to create prism mesh from the geometry, or from the surface or volume mesh depending on the Mesh Method chosen.

All volume meshing parameters are set globally using Mesh > Global Mesh Setup before clicking Compute.

Compute Mesh > Prism Mesh

You can use this option to grow prism layers next to wall geometries, from an existing volume mesh or surface mesh. If the existing volume mesh is tet/hexa mesh, on the hexa side the prisms will be added within the first hexa layer.

Prism growth parameters are set globally using Mesh > Global Mesh Setup > Global Prism Settings. Local parameters, which override the global parameters, can be set as described in the previous section or using Select Parts for Prism Layer.

The inflation process is chosen before clicking Compute.

  • You can add prisms to existing layers or you can subdivide and redistribute layers. If many prism layers are needed, it can be faster and more robust to create initial thick prism layers and then split them to create the total desired number of prism layers using Edit Mesh > Split Mesh > Split Prisms.

  • You can compute a prism mesh without an input surface model loaded. Prism will generate a temporary faceted surface model from the input mesh.