The Hexa Database

The Hexa database contains both geometry and block topology data, each containing several sub-entities.

The Geometric data entities are:

  • Points: x, y, z point definition

  • Curves: trimmed or untrimmed NURBS curves

  • Surfaces: NURBS surfaces, trimmed NURBS surfaces

The Block Topological data entities are:

  • Vertices: corner points of blocks, of which there are at least eight, that define a block

  • Edges: a face has four edges and a block twelve

  • Faces: six faces make up a block

  • Blocks: volume made up of vertices, edges and faces

Color coding in Hexa

The topological entities are color-coded based on their properties:

White Edges and Vertices

These edges are between two material volumes. The edge and the associated vertices will be projected to the closest CAD surface between these material volumes. The vertices of these edges can move only on the surfaces.

Note:  If you have chosen a light-colored background for the graphics display window, these display in black.

Blue Edges and Vertices

These are internal edges within a material volume. The vertices of these edges, also blue, can be moved by selecting the edge just before it and can be dragged on that edge.

Green Edges and Vertices

These edges and the associated vertices are being projected to curves. The edges will take the shape of the curves when meshed, and the vertices can be moved only on the curve(s) to which they are being projected.

Red Vertices

These vertices are projected to prescribed points.