Scripting Commands

These commands are used in MED for writing scripts. All script commands begin with ic, for Ansys ICEM CFD.

File Functions


These functions do various high-level and miscellaneous things. Returns the list of command line arguments that were passed after -batch and -script.

ic_save_project_file file data [""] AppName [""]

Saves project data to a file.

ic_unload_mesh quiet [0]

Unloads the current mesh. This does not save the current mesh if it has not been already saved.

ic_read_external backend files create [1] prec [1] tstep [0] args

General resultlib read function. Reads the files specified by the file list using the reader specified by the backend. If create is 1, the unstructured/structured meshes will be recreated.

ic_set_max_map_size what size [""]

Sets the maximum memory size used for CAD or mesh, in bytes. If size is "", it returns the current value.

ic_set_program_paths vals

Sets the current values for alternate path names for subprograms that are run by Ansys ICEM CFD. The vals argument is a list of name/file pairs. The names are the base names of the subprograms, such as tetra. The files can be either relative or absolute and need not include the .exe in the case of Windows.

ic_set_clean_up_tmp_files on

Sets the remove temp files flag. If this is 0 then various .tmp files will not get cleaned up. This can help with debugging.

ic_domain_types args

Identify what types these domain files are. Returns a list of struct, unstruct, or bad.

ic_convert_struct_to_unstruct domains_dir numbers topofile famtopo bocofile unsfile options [""] prefix [""]

Converts a structured set of domains to unstructured.

ic_convert_domains_to_unstruct domains_dir numbers [""] unsfile [""]

Converts raw domains (no topology) into an unstructured mesh.

ic_convert_struct_to_super domains_dir numbers topofile singledomain listfile pref [""]

Converts a structured multi-block mesh to single-block.

ic_file_is_ascii file

Returns 1 if file is ascii, 0 if not. An error message is returned if the file does not exist, is a directory, or does not have read permissions by the current user.