Conventions for Using This Manual

To maximize the benefit of this manual, you should download the scripts and case files available on the Ansys customer site.

  1. Create a folder named Samples in the Ansys installation directory under ../v242/icemcfd/

  2. To access documentation files, go to the documentation area of the customer site.

  3. Follow the link labeled Customer Portal near the top of the screen. You may have to log in.

  4. Use the search box to find ICEM CFD Programmer's Guide files.

  5. Follow the link labeled Documentation:: Script files and input files for the ICEM CFD Programmer's Guide.

  6. Click the link to download the archive.

  7. Unzip the archive into the Samples folder created earlier.

    The final path to the scripts and case files will be ../v242/icemcfd/Samples/ProgrammersGuide/

Note:  To get results when running example scripts in batch mode, you will need to create a second folder named output, parallel to the folder named input in your ../Samples/ProgrammersGuide folder.

Tip:  In this manual, default arguments for each proc argument, if any, are given in [] brackets.

Library Functions

In addition to the scripting functions described in subsequent chapters, ICEM CFD includes several output library functions. Descriptions of the output library functions are in your installation directory in ..\win64_amd\help\library and are summarized below:

  • blocking_doc.html: Describes the format and structure for the blocking file (*.blk).

  • bocolib.html: The boundary condition library contains routines to access the information in the boundary condition files.

  • domainlib.html: The domain library contains routines for creating, modifying, and reading information in domain files - nodes (locations), elements (volumes, shells, or trusses), and subdomains.

  • tetinlib.html: The tetin library file contains descriptions of commands and arguments which serve to define the CAD geometry and the parameters for the unstructured mesh generation.

  • topolib.html: The topology library contains routines to access the topological information characterizing structured meshes such as number of blocks, block size and block-to-block connectivity.