NASTRAN Setup Analysis Type

Run Time (TIME)

The maximum allowable execution time in CPU minutes. By default, it is set to 99999. You can increase this if necessary.

Max Output Lines (MAXLINES)

The maximum number of output lines to the solver. In any run, if MAXLINES exceeds the set value (99999 is the default), then the program will terminate.

Write Input Lines (ECHO)

Controls the Input file for the Nastran solver. The following options are available:

  • NONE

    Suppresses printing of the Bulk Data into the Nastran Input file.

  • SORT

    Writes the Bulk Data section in small field format as well as sorted alphabetically into the Nastran input file.


    Writes the Bulk Data section exactly as it is input.

  • BOTH

    Write both the SORT and UNSORT formats.


    Punches the Bulk Data to an ASCII file.

Case Control Cards
Output Title (TITLE)

To specify a title that will appear on the first heading line of each output page.

Output SubTitle (SUBTITLE)

To specify a subtitle that will appear on the second heading line for each output page.

Output Label (LABEL)

To specify a label that will appear on the third heading line of each output page.