
Each material property described below can be selected as Constant or Varying. For varying properties, a material property table can be defined separately as described in Create Material Property Table.

Young’s Modulus (E)

Within the elastic limit, the ratio of direct stress to the strain produced is called the Young’s modulus (E).

Shear Modulus (G)

Within the elastic limit, the ratio of shear stress to shear strain.

Typically, this field is left blank. Nastran will calculate the value of Shear Modulus internally, based on the following formula:

E = 2*(1+NU)*G,

where NU is the value of Poisson’s ratio.

Poisson’s Ratio (NU)

The ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain.

Mass Density (RHO)

The density of a material is its weight per unit volume (in SI units). This value will be used to automatically calculate the mass of all structural elements.

This value should be consistent with PARAM, WTMASS card value for Nastran runs.

Thermal Expansion Coefficient (A)

This coefficient (A) is used to calculate thermal strains when thermal loads exist on the structure.

Reference Temperature (TREF)

The reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads or a temperature dependent thermal expansion coefficient. Typically, it is defined at room temperature in degrees Kelvin.

Structural Element Damping Coefficient (GE)

This value is found by multiplying the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2.0.

Stress Limits for Tension (ST)

This is an optional value, used only to compute margins of safety in certain elements and has no effect on the computational procedures.

Stress Limits for Compression (SC)

This is an optional value, used only to compute margins of safety in certain elements and has no effect on the computational procedures.

Stress Limits for Shear (SS)

This is an optional value, used only to compute margins of safety in certain elements and has no effect on the computational procedures.

Material Coordinate System (MCSID)

This is used only for PARAM, CURV processing.

LS-DYNA Material Type

This specifies the LS-DYNA Materials type.