The Ansys ICEM CFD to a Rhino 3DM file format (*.3dm). Select the geometry file (*.tin) to be exported. The following options are available.
option converts geometry in- Geometry
By default all the entities in the geometry file will be exported. If Selected Geometry is clicked, then entities of different types can be specified for export:
- Units
Specify the units of measurement of the file.
- Tolerance
This is the absolute tolerance value passed to the Rhino file. It is used in Rhino for operations such as trimming and intersecting.
- Include Dormant Entities
By default, any dormant entities (typically points and curves) created will not be exported to Rhino. If this option is enabled, the dormant entities will also be exported.
- Do Not Trim Surfaces
If this option is enabled, any trim curves are removed, so that trimmed surfaces will be exported to Rhino as untrimmed.
- Rebuild Coedges
If enabled, the coedges (3D spatial curves) will be rebuilt from the 2D parametric curves (pcurves) by projection prior to exporting. This sometimes improves the quality of the exported 3DM file, particularly when the Tetin file has relatively large tolerances.
- Version 2 Compatibility
The default will export the data to a Version 3 3DM (Rhino) file, which cannot be read by Rhino Version 2.xx. If this option is enabled, then the 3DM file will be version 2 compatible.