32.2. Overview

The Fluent Python console's Python interfaces provides full access to the entire Ansys PyFluent library (a separate library that can be found at https://fluent.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/), and covers the following Fluent categories, including:

  • Meshing Mode

    • meshing: related to meshing-based commands and functions

    • meshing.tui: based on the meshing mode's text user interface

    • meshing_utilities: based on utilities relevant to meshing mode

    • workflow: related to the two meshing guided workflows (watertight and fault-tolerant)

    • PartManagement: related to part management in the fault-tolerant meshing workflow

    • PMFileManagement: related to managing files for part management in the fault-tolerant meshing workflow

    • preferences: related to meshing-specific preferences

  • Solution Mode

    • solver: related to solver-based commands and functions

    • solver.tui: related to the solver's text user interface

Note:  The full PyFluent library is completely available through Fluent's Python console (this listing covers only a subset of what is available in the Ansys PyFluent library). For more detailed information about the PyFluent library, see https://fluent.docs.pyansys.com/version/stable/.

Fluent's Pythonic interface also makes use of settings objects to provide a natural way to access and modify Fluent settings and issue commands with a hierarchy of objects.

Note:  Snake case styling for method names (set_name() for example) is recommended rather than camel case styling (setName() for example). Journals will automatically capture Fluent's Python method calls using snake case.