25.2. Working with Custom Input Parameters

Various Ansys Fluent setup related input quantities can be assigned to an input parameter. You can define a series of simulations based on a set of parametric values that are managed both in Ansys Fluent and in Workbench. These parameters may be defined for numeric cell zone and boundary condition settings using the New Input Parameter … option in the corresponding drop-down list or by a small “p” icon adjacent to a specific input setting. However, various Ansys Fluent settings are not supported by these methods.

If the beta-feature-access option is enabled in Ansys Fluent (as described in Introduction), you can mitigate this limitation using custom input parameters, and define input parameters for various Ansys Fluent simulation related settings. The define/parameters/custom-input-parameters/create command is used to define custom input parameters that will use other text user interface (TUI) commands in Fluent to change the desired simulation settings in a parametric manner. Each numerical component of the TUI command string can be marked and treated as a parameter. Setting up custom input parameters requires using Scheme functions that convert TUI commands into Scheme variables. Once defined, the Scheme variables are set as custom input parameters and are displayed in the Parameters dialog box alongside other input parameters. The input parameter passes a constant numeric value to the registered scheme function. Therefore, the associated Scheme function (and corresponding Fluent text command) uses the constant parameter values using the units that were already defined for the designated text command quantity.


Enter the custom input parameters menu.


Create a custom input parameter. The following example demonstrates the create command. where you create a custom input parameter using a Scheme file called my-funct:

/define/parameters/custom-input-parameters> create
Name of parameter ["parameter-1"] 
parameter-1 value [0] 0.3
Enter the name of custom-input-var variable as symbol [custom-input-var1] 
Enter the name of apply-function [()] my-funct
/solve/set/under-relaxation/pressure 0.3

where the my-funct Scheme file contents are:

(define my-funct
    (lambda (value )
        (ti-menu-load-string (format #f "/solve/set/under-relaxation/pressure ~g" value))))

Delete a selected custom input variable, but not the associated input parameter (the input parameter has to be deleted separately). Using the wildcard ‘*’ allows you to delete all custom input variable at once. For example:

/define/parameters/custom-input-parameters> delete
custom-input-var name(1) [custom-input-var3] * 
custom-input-var name(2) [()] 
Are you sure you want to delete input parameter ("custom-input-var1" "custom-input-var2" "custom-input-var3")? [no] no

Shows a list of defined custom input parameters along with their associated variables and apply functions. For example:

   parameter-name            custom-input-var                         apply-function
--------------------      ------------------------------           --------------------
   parameter-3               custom-input-var3                          my-funct
   parameter-2               custom-input-var2                          my-funct
   parameter-1               custom-input-var1                          my-funct
--------------------      ------------------------------           --------------------