14.8. Using High-Resolution Tracking with Ansys Fluent Models

When beta feature access is enabled:

  • You can use the high resolution method with the temporal interpolation of flow solution variables to the DPM particle position

  • You can use the define/models/dpm/numerics/high-resolution-tracking/enable-transient-variable-interpolation? text command if you want the flow variables to be interpolated both temporally and spatially to the current particle position and time as the particle trajectory is integrated from the previous flow solver timestep to the current flow time. This text command option is available only for transient cases with unsteady particle tracking. This option is not compatible with the interpolation of flow gradients (the define/models/dpm/numerics/high-resolution-tracking/interpolate-flow-solution-gradients text command option). The interpolation of flow gradients should be disabled prior to activating transient variable interpolation.​ If both options are enabled, Ansys Fluent will automatically disable transient variable interpolation.

See section Tracking Parameters and Options for the Discrete Phase Model in the Ansys Fluent User's Guide for information about the high-resolution tracking method.