1.7. Saving Your Work in Fluent with Workbench

Data that is read into and written by Fluent when it is run within Workbench is split into two parts:

  • Setup data

  • Solution data

Setup data is the data used to start a simulation over from the beginning. This data is associated with the Setup cell and includes the mesh (.msh.h5) file and the settings (.set) file.

  • The settings file is a file used when Fluent is run under Workbench. It contains the case settings but does not contain mesh data. The settings file and the mesh file are read by Fluent whenever Fluent is launched from the Setup cell.

  • Note that sometimes, instead of a mesh file, a case file (.cas.h5) is used to represent the mesh. In this situation, Fluent reads the case file first and then reads the settings file if it exists. Therefore, the settings stored in the settings file will overwrite any settings that might be contained in the case file.

Solution data is the data that results from performing a calculation and is used to restart a simulation from existing data. This data is associated with the Solution cell and includes the current case (.cas.h5) file and the current data (.dat.h5) file.

Important:  The case file and the data file are read by Fluent whenever Fluent is launched from the Solution cell.

When working in Workbench, your work in Fluent is automatically saved as needed. For example, whenever you close Fluent or save your Workbench project, your unsaved data is automatically saved.

You can save your Workbench project directly from Fluent by selecting Save Project command under the File ribbon tab.

 File Save Project

Alternatively, you can save your Workbench project by selecting the Save command under the File menu within Workbench or by clicking the Save Project icon ( ) from the Workbench toolbar.