Chapter 14: size-functions/

Size functions can be defined using the commands in the size-functions menu. The command size-functions/create enables you to define size functions. You need to specify the size function type, whether face or edge zones are to be used, the boundary or edge zones for which the size function is to be defined, the size function name, and the parameters relevant to the size function type. You can also have the name generated automatically by retaining the default entry for the size function name. The size function name will be assigned based on the zone type (face or edge) and the size function type (for example, the size function face-curvature-sf-5 indicates that the curvature size function is defined for face zones. The size function ID is 5.)

An example is

size-functions/create curvature face wall:x wall:y, curv-size-function 0.01 0.1 1.2 5

Where, curvature is the size function type, face indicates that face zones are to be used, wall:x, wall:y indicate the boundary zones for which the size function is defined, and curv-size-function is the size function name. The remaining values correspond to the parameters for the curvature size function, that is, minimum and maximum size, growth rate, and normal angle.

Note:  All boundary face zones and edge zones included in the global domain are available for defining size functions, even if a local domain has been activated.


Computes the size function based on the defined parameters.


Contains options for managing contours.


Displays contours in the graphics window. Run compute prior to contours/draw.


Contains options to manage the contour size.


Allows you to specify smaller facets if the original are too large. Default is no.


Defines the size function based on the specified parameters.


Creates default size functions based on face and edge curvature and proximity.


Deletes the specified size function or the current size field.


Deletes all the defined size functions.


Removes periodicity from the size field.


Applies periodicity to the size field.

Specify the angle, pivot, and axis of rotation to set up periodicity.

If periodicity has been previously defined, the existing settings will be applied.

Note:  Only rotational periodicity is supported, translational periodicity is not supported currently.


Lists all the defined size functions and the corresponding parameter values defined.


Resets the global controls to their default values.


Sets the values for the global minimum and maximum size, and the growth rate.

Note:  If you set the global minimum size to a value greater than the local minimum size defined for existing proximity, curvature, or hard size functions, a warning will appear, indicating that the global minimum size cannot be greater than the specified local minimum size.


Sets the tolerance relative to minimum size to take gaps into account. Gaps whose thickness is less than the global minimum size multiplied by this factor will not be regarded as a proximity gap.


Allows you specify the scale factor, and minimum and maximum size values to filter the size output from the size field.


Identifies the zones comprising non-triangular elements and uses a triangulated copy of these zones for computing the size functions.


Allows you to disable curvature data from the nodes of the CAD facets.