Chapter 1: boundary/


Slits all boundary faces with cells on both sides (these cells must be in the same cell zone). A displacement can be specified to provide thickness to the boundary.


Contains options for copying or clearing boundary conditions when a case file is read.


Clears the boundary conditions assigned to the specified face zones.


Clears the boundary conditions assigned to all the face zones.


Enables you to copy the boundary conditions from the face zone selected to the face zones specified.


Reports the number of Delaunay violations on the triangular surface mesh and the number of isolated nodes.


Displays the names of the duplicate surfaces and prints maximum and average distance between them.


Clears marked faces.


Clears nodes that were marked using the mark-duplicate-nodes command.


Computes the bounding box for the zones specified.


Reports the number of boundary nodes associated with edges having only one attached face.


Reports the number of marked faces.


Counts the unused boundary nodes in the domain.


Lists the number of boundary faces that are not used by any cell.


Lists the number of boundary nodes that are not used by any cell.


Creates the bounding box for the specified zones. You can specify the zone type, name, edge length, and the extents of the box, as required. You can also optionally create a geometry object from the bounding box created.


Creates a cylinder by specifying the axis, radius, and edge length or three arc nodes, the axial delta, the radial gap, and the edge length. You can also specify the prefix for the zone being created, as required. You can also optionally create a geometry object from the cylinder created.


Creates a plane surface by specifying either the axis direction, axial location, and the extents of the surface or three points defining the plane. You can also optionally create a geometry object from the plane surface created.


Creates a revolved surface by rotating the specified edge through the angle specified. Specify the number of segments, scale factor, and the pivot point and axis of rotation. You can also optionally create a geometry object from the revolved surface created.


Creates a surface by sweeping the specified edge in the direction specified. You need to specify the distance to sweep through and the number of offsets, as required. You can also optionally create a geometry object from the swept surface created.


Searches for faces on all boundary zones that have the same nodes and deletes the duplicates.


Searches for faces on a specified zone that have the same nodes and deletes the duplicates.

Duplicate faces may be present if you generated the boundary mesh using a third-party grid generator, or if you have used the slit-boundary-face command to modify the boundary mesh and then merged the nodes.


Enables you to remove faces with the specified number of free edges from the specified boundary zones.


Enables you to delete faces in a non-contiguous region of a face zone.


Enables you to delete the unconnected face-zones.


Deletes all the boundary faces that are not used by any cell.


Deletes the boundary nodes that are not used by any boundary faces.


Prints the length of the shortest and longest edges on the boundary. This information is useful for setting initial mesh parameters and refinement controls.


Reports the distribution of face quality in the text window.


Lists the worst face skewness.


Enables you to create and modify features.


Copies the specified edge zone(s) to new edge zone(s).


Extracts edge loops for the specified face zone(s) based on the feature method specified. You also need to specify an appropriate value for feature angle when using the fixed-angle method.

Note:  The Face Seed approach cannot be used when creating edge loops using text commands.


Deletes degenerated edges (edges where the two end nodes are the same) for the edge zone(s) specified.


Deletes the specified edge zone(s)


Reports the minimum, maximum, and average edge length for the specified edge zone(s) in the console.


Associates the specified edge zone(s) with the specified face zone.


Intersects the specified edge loops to create a new edge loop comprising the common edges. You can enable automatic deleting of overlapped edges and specify an appropriate intersection tolerance.


Lists the name, ID, type, and count for the specified edge zone(s).


Merges multiple edge loops of the same type into a single loop.


Orients the edges on the loop to point in the same direction.


Projects the edges of the specified loop onto the specified face zone using the specified projection method.


Remeshes the specified edge loop(s), modifying the node distribution according to the specified remeshing method, spacing values, and feature angle. You can also enable quadratic reconstruction, if required.


Reverses the direction of the edge loop.


Separates the edge zones based on the feature angle specified, and then deletes the edges having a count smaller than the minimum count specified.


Separates the specified edge loop based on connectivity and the specified feature angle.


Separates the edge loop based on the seed edge specified. The edge zone separation angle is used to separate the edge zone (default 40).


Toggles the edge type between boundary and interior.


Ungroups previously grouped edge zones.


Resolves multi-connected edges/non-manifold configurations in the boundary mesh by deleting fringes and overlaps based on threshold values specified.


Enables you to improve boundary surfaces.


Enables you to collapse the short edge of faces having a high aspect ratio or skewness in the specified face zone(s).


Enables you to improve the boundary mesh by swapping edges based on a node degree value other than 6. The node degree is defined as the number of edges connected to the node.


Enables you to improve the boundary surface quality using skewness, size change, aspect ratio, or area as the quality measure.


Enables you to improve the boundary surface using smoothing.


Enables you to improve the boundary surface using edge swapping.


Randomly perturbs all boundary nodes based on an input tolerance. Some nodes will be perturbed less than the tolerance value, while others will be perturbed by half of the tolerance value in all three coordinate directions.


Enables you to make the specified boundaries periodic. You can specify the type of periodicity (rotational or translational), the angle, pivot, and axis of rotation, for rotational periodicity or the translational shift for translational periodicity.

For each of the zones specified, a corresponding periodic shadow boundary zone will be created.


Contains options for manipulating the boundary zones.


Specifies whether or not unused nodes should be deleted when their face zone is deleted.


Enables you to change the prefix for the specified face zones.


Copies all nodes and faces of the specified face zone(s).


Creates a new face zone.


Deletes the face zone.


Reverses the normal direction of the specified boundary zone(s).


Specifies a new boundary zone ID. If there is a conflict, the change will be ignored.


Prints information about all boundary zones.


Merges face zones.


Gives a face zone a new name.


Consistently orients the faces in the specified zones.


Specifies a new origin for the mesh, to be used for face zone rotation and for periodic zone creation. The default origin is (0,0,0).


Removes the suffix (characters including and after the leftmost ":") in the face zone names.


Rotates all nodes of the specified face zone(s).


Rotates all nodes of the model through the specified angle, based on the specified point and axis of rotation.


Scales all nodes of the specified face zone(s).


Scales all nodes of the model by multiplying the node coordinates by the specified scale factors (x, y, z).


Translates all nodes of the specified face zone(s).


Translates all nodes of the model by the specified translation offsets (x, y, z).

Note:  The translation offsets are interpreted as absolute numbers in meshing mode. In solution mode, however, the translation offsets are assumed to be distances in the length unit set. This may lead to differences in domain extents reported after translating the mesh in the respective modes.


Changes the boundary type of the face zone.

Note:  When changing the boundary type of any zone to type interior, ensure that there is a single cell zone across the interior boundary. Retaining multiple cell zones across an interior boundary can cause undesirable results with further tet meshing or smoothing operations.

Also, face zones having no/one neighboring cell zone should not be changed to type interior.

The mesh check will issue a warning if multiple cell zones are maintained across an interior boundary. The boundary type in such cases should be set to internal instead.


Enables you to manipulate user-defined groups.


Activates the specified user-defined groups.


Creates the user-defined group comprising the specified zones.


Deletes the specified user-defined group.


Lists the groups in the console.


Enables you to modify an existing group.


Marks duplicate nodes. The marked nodes will appear in the grid display when nodes are displayed. For a list of duplicate nodes, set the /report/verbosity level to 2 before using the mark-duplicate-nodes command.


Marks intersecting faces. Intersection is detected if the line defined by any two consecutive nodes on a face intersects any face in the current domain. The marked faces will appear in the grid display when faces are displayed. For a list of intersecting faces, set the /report/verbosity level to 2 before using the mark-face-intersection command.


Marks faces that are in proximity to each other.

Face A is considered to be in proximity to face B if any of the nodes on face A are within the calculated proximity distance from face B. The proximity distance is calculated based on the specified relative distance and the sphere radius. The sphere radius is determined by the maximum distance from the centroid of the face to its nodes. The marked faces will appear in the grid display when faces are displayed.

For a list of faces in proximity to each other, set the /report/verbosity level to 2 before using the mark-face-proximity command.


Marks the faces that are contained in a specified local refinement region.


Merges duplicate nodes.


Merges the face zones having area less than the minimum area.


Contains commands used to modify the boundary mesh.


Finds and marks free edges and nodes and multiply-connected edges and nodes. This process is necessary if the boundary mesh has been changed with Scheme functions.


Clears all selections.


Clears faces that were marked using the mark-skew-face command.


Collapses pairs of nodes, edge(s), or face(s). If a pair of nodes is selected, both the nodes are deleted and a new node is created at the midpoint of the two nodes. If a triangular face is selected, the complete face is collapsed into a single node at the centroid of the face.


Creates a boundary face if the selection list contains 3 nodes and an optional zone. If the selection list contains positions, then nodes are created.


Creates a node at the midpoint between two selected nodes.


Deletes all selected faces and nodes.


Moves the selected node by specified magnitude.


Removes the last selection from the selection list.


Specifies the feature angle for consideration of holes in the geometry.


Lists all of the selected objects.


Remeshes marked faces or faces based on selections in the graphics window. Select the faces to be remeshed and specify the sizing source (constant-size, geometry, or size-field), the number of radial layers of faces to be remeshed (rings), the feature angle to be preserved while remeshing the selected faces, and the size for constant size remeshing (if applicable).


Marks faces that should be skipped when the worst skewed face is reported using the Modify Boundary dialog box. This enables you to search for the next skewed face.


Merges pairs of nodes. The first node selected is retained, and the second is the duplicate that is merged.


Moves the selected node to the selected position if the selection list contains a node and a position.


Finds the triangular face of nearest lower skewness value than that of the worst skewed face. The face ID, its skewness, the longest edge ID, and the node ID opposite to the longest edge are displayed in the console.


Repairs zones by filling all holes associated with free faces. Specify the face zones for the repair operation.




Moves the selected faces from their current zone into the selected zone, if the selection list contains a zone and one or more faces.


Adds a cell, face, or node to the selection list by entering the name of the entity.


Selects a filter. The possible filters are off, cell, face, edge, node, zone, position, object, and size. If off is chosen, then when a selection is made, it is first checked to see if it is a cell, then a face, an edge, and so on. When the node filter is used, and if a cell or face is selected, the node closest to the selection point is picked. Thus, the nodes do not have to be displayed, to be picked.


Adds a position to the selection list by entering the coordinates of the position.


Selects the probe function. The possible functions are:

  • box enables the selection of a group of entities within a box, to be used in conjunction with boundary modification functions.

  • label prints the selection label in the graphics window

  • off disables the mouse probes.

  • polygon enables the selection of a group of entities within a polygonal region, to be used in conjunction with boundary modification functions.

  • print prints the information on the selection in the console window.

  • select adds the selection to the selection list


Enables you to select only visible entities (nodes, edges, faces, zones, objects) when the box select or polygon select options are used. Ensure that the model is zoomed to an appropriate level for correct selection.

Tip:  To quickly revert to the behavior of R16.1 or earlier, enable transparency.

  • If the mesh is not connected, all entities (nodes, edges, faces, zones, objects) will be selected irrespective of whether they are visible or not.

  • This visual selection behavior works only on local displays and may generate warning messages when attempting selection on a remote system.


Adds a zone to the selection list by entering the zone name or ID.


Shows the current filter.


Shows the current probe function.


Finds the face with the highest (worst) skewness, selects it in the graphics window, and reports its skewness and zone ID in the console window.


Enables you to select the zone for which you want to report the skewness. You can either specify zone name or zone ID.


Uses Laplace smoothing to modify the position of the nodes in the selection list. It moves the selected node to a position computed from an average of its node neighbors. The new position is an average of the neighboring node coordinates and is not reprojected to the discrete surface.


Splits two selected faces into four faces.


Swaps boundary edges (of triangular faces) if the selection list contains edges.


Undoes the previous operation. When an operation is performed, the reverse operation is stored on the undo stack. For example, a create operation places a delete on the stack, and a delete adds a create operation.

The undo operation requires that the name of the object exist when the action is undone. If the name does not exist, then the undo will fail. You can undo the last few operations, but if many operations are being performed it is recommended that you also save the mesh periodically.


Orients the normals based on the specified material point.


Prints information about the grid in the text window.


Projects nodes on a selected face zone onto a target face zone. Projection can be performed based on normal direction, closest point, or specified direction.


Restores the periodic relationship between face zones. You will be prompted for the type (rotational or translational), method (semi-automatic, automatic, or manual, depending on the periodicity type) and for face zones. Periodicity information (angle, pivot point, axis of rotation, or translational shift) are read in with the mesh file.

  • The semi-automatic option prompts you for the source boundary zones and the periodicity information.

  • The automatic option prompts you for the source boundary zones.

  • The manual option (available only for rotational periodicity) prompts you for the source and target boundary zones, as well as the periodicity information.


Discusses the commands used to refine the boundary mesh.


Automatically refines a face zone based on proximity. The original face zone is treated as a background mesh. Faces are refined by multiple face splitting passes, so that no face is in close proximity to any face in the current domain.


Clears all refinement marks from all boundary faces.


Counts the number of faces marked on each boundary zone.


Prints a report of the minimum and maximum size of each specified zone. This report will also tell you how many faces on each zone have been marked for refinement.


Enters the local refinement menu.


Defines the refinement region according to the specified parameters.


Deletes the specified region.


Creates a region encompassing the entire geometry.


Lists all the refinement regions in the console.


Marks the faces for refinement.


Refines the marked faces.


Has a set of commands for remeshing the face zones.


Clears the highlighting of the triangles that are marked.


Remeshes (coarsens/refines) the boundary face zones based on the computed size field. Specify the boundary face zones to be remeshed, the boundary edge zones, feature angle, and corner angle. Additionally, specify whether the current boundary face zones should be replaced by the remeshed face zones after the operation is complete.


Enters the edge loop tools text menu.


Toggles the deletion of region of overlap of the two surfaces.


Specifies the direction of the edge loop projection.


Enters the intersect control menu.


Enables you to switch between the use of absolute and relative tolerance. By default, the relative tolerance value is used.


Enables/disables the deletion of overlapped edges. It toggles the automatic deletion of region of overlap of the two surfaces. This option is used by while remeshing overlapping zones and retriangulating prisms. By default, this option is enabled.


Specifies the minimum feature angle that should be considered while retriangulating the boundary zones. All the edges in the zone having feature angle greater than the specified feature angle are retained. This option is useful for preserving the shape of the intersecting boundary zones. The default value of feature angle is 40, however, a value in the range of 10–50 degrees is recommended. A large value may distort the shape of the intersecting boundary zones.


Default is yes. If there are close-to-parallel faces, set to no to separate the zones and avoid creating an intersection loop.


Specifies the allowed maximum angle between the normals of the two overlapping surfaces to be joined. This parameter is used to control the size of the join region.


Specifies the allowed maximum angle between the face normal and the project direction for the overlapping surfaces to be joined. This parameter is used to control the size of the join region.


Enables you to refine the regions that are modified during the intersect operations. It toggles the refinement of the intersecting regions after performing any of the intersection operation.

This operation improves the quality of the resulting mesh, however, this option is disabled by default.


Used to enable or disable automatic post-remesh operation after any connect operation (join, intersect, or stitch).


Enables you to improve the mesh. After performing any intersection operation, the slivers are removed along the curve of intersection, Laplace smoothing is performed, and followed by the edge swapping. Laplace smoothing is also performed for insert-edge-zone, remesh-overlapped-zones, and prism-retriangulation options. Smoothing is performed again. The smooth-swap operations can be controlled by changing the various defaults such as swapping iterations, smoothing iterations, etc.


Enables the automatic separation of intersected zones.


Indicates that shape of the first zone specified is to be preserved. This option is enabled by default.


Specifies the tolerance value for the intersect operations.


Performs the intersection operation only within the specified tolerance value. It is useful only for the Intersect option.


Specifies the method for projecting edge loops.


Includes the selected face for proximity calculation.


Enables/disables quadratic reconstruction of edge loops.


Specifies the method to be used for the node distribution on the edge loop.


Sets the node spacing for the edge loop.


Sets the tolerance for determining if two edges intersect.


Creates edge loop of intersection for all boundary zones in current domain.


Creates edge loops for a specified face zone, based on feature angle.


Creates an interior edge loop at the intersection between two adjacent face zones. Edges created in this way will not be remeshed by default.


Creates edge loop on boundary of the region of overlap of two surfaces.


Creates edge loops for connecting two surfaces along their free edges.


Deletes edges that overlap selected edge loops.


Performs the faceted stitching of zones.


Inserts an edge zone into a triangulated boundary face zone.


Remeshes all the intersecting face zones.

After the intersect operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Remeshes two intersecting face zones so that they become conformal.

After the intersect operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Connects all overlapping face zones using the join operation.

After the join operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Connects two overlapping faces.

After the join operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the line of intersection.


Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the join edge loop.


Highlights the triangles in the neighborhood of the stitch edge loop.


Remeshes a specified face zone by automatically extracting edge loops. If edge loops are present in the current domain (for example, if they were created using the create-edge-loops command), they are used to remesh the specified face zone.


Remeshes the specified face zones to a constant triangle size while maintaining conformity with adjacent zones. Specify the boundary face zones to be remeshed, the boundary edge zones, feature angle, corner angle, and the constant size. Additionally, specify whether the current boundary face zones should be replaced by the remeshed face zones after the operation is complete.


Remeshes face zones using the current size function and keeping a conformal interface between them. If no size function is defined, an error message will be generated.

This command will prompt for:

  • Boundary Face Zones

  • Boundary Edge Zones

  • feature angle – used to determine the minimum angle between features that will be preserved during remeshing

  • corner angle – used to specify the minimum angle between feature edges that will be preserved

  • Replace Face Zone? – (default is Yes) the remeshed face zone(s) will take the name and -id of the original zones, and the original face zone(s) will have “orig” appended to their name. If No, the remeshed face zone(s) will have “retri” added postfix.

Note:  Periodic face zones cannot be remeshed using this command.


Remeshes overlapping face zones. The non-overlapping region is remeshed using the edge loops created from the overlapping face zones.


Enters the size functions menu where you can define size functions for controlling mesh size distribution.


Computes the size field based on the defined parameters.


Contains options for displaying contours of size functions.


Displays contours in the graphics window. Compute the size field using /size-functions/compute or read in a size field file prior to displaying the contours of size.


Enables you to specify smaller facets if the original are too large. Default is no.


Defines the size function based on the specified parameters.


Creates default size functions based on face and edge curvature and proximity.


Deletes the specified size function or the current size field.


Deletes all the defined size functions.


Removes periodicity from the size field.


Lists all the defined size functions and the parameter values defined.


Resets the global controls to their default values.


Sets the values for the global minimum and maximum size, and the growth rate.


Applies periodicity to the size field by selecting one source face zone.

Note:  Ensure that periodicity is previously defined.

Only rotational periodicity is supported, translational periodicity is not supported currently.


Sets the tolerance relative to minimum size to take gaps into account. Gaps whose thickness is less than the global minimum size multiplied by this factor will not be regarded as a proximity gap.


Specifies the scale factor, and minimum and maximum size values to filter the size output from the size field.


Identifies the zones comprising non-triangular elements and uses a triangulated copy of these zones for computing the size functions.


Enables/disables curvature data from the nodes of the CAD facets.


Connects (stitches) all the face zones along the free edges.

After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Connects two surfaces along their free edges.

After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no


Connects (stitches) a zone to another which is connected to an existing volume mesh, while preserving the boundary of the zones connected to the volume mesh. Specify a list of boundary zones to be preserved, a list of the boundary zones to be connected to each of these zones, and the tolerance value.

After the stitch operation, remesh is called automatically. To disable the post-remesh operation, use the text command:

/boundary/remesh/controls/intersect/remesh-post-intersection? no

Note:  This command will not work for overlapping or partially overlapping face zones.


Triangulates quad zones.


Resets the element type (mixed, tri, or quad) of a boundary zone. If you have separated a mixed (tri and quad) face zone into one tri face zone and one quad face zone, for example, each of these will be identified as a “mixed" zone. Resetting the element type for each of these new zones will identify them as, respectively, a triangular zone and a quadrilateral zone.


Resolves self intersection on manifold surface meshes.


Applies a scaling factor to all node coordinates. You can use this command to change the units of the grid.


Contains options for separating face zones.


Enters the local refinement menu.


Enables you to define the local region.


Deletes the specified local region.


Creates a region encompassing the entire geometry.


Lists all the local regions defined.


Marks the faces that are contained in a specified local refinement region.


Separates a boundary face zone based on significant angle.


Separates a boundary/interior face zone based on its cell neighbors.


Separates a boundary face zone by moving marked faces to a new zone.


Separates a boundary face zone based on contiguous regions.


Separates a boundary face zone by defining a seed face on the surface.


Separates faces connected to the seed face, whose normal fall within the specified cone.


Separates a boundary face zone based on the shape of the faces (triangular or quadrilateral).


Defines the periodicity parameters. You will be prompted for the type of periodicity (rotational or translational). For rotational periodicity, you will be prompted for the angle and axis of rotation parameters. For translational periodicity, you will be prompted for the shift vector components.


Slits a boundary face zone by duplicating all faces and nodes, except those nodes that are located at the edges of the boundary zone. A displacement can be specified to provide thickness to the boundary. The slit command only works when it is possible to move from face to face using the connectivity provided by the cells.

You should slit the boundary face after you generate the volume mesh so that cells will not be placed inside the gap. There may be some inaccuracies when you graphically display solution data for a mesh with a slit boundary in Ansys Fluent.


Smooths the marked faces.


Unmarks the marked selected faces.