4.4. Manually Checkpointing Fluent Jobs

You can checkpoint a batch job manually by using the bchkpnt command. Note that you can set up automatic checkpointing using Fluent Launcher as described previously. The syntax for the bchkpnt command is

bchkpnt [<bchkpnt_options>] [-k] <job_ID>


  • <bchkpnt_options> are options for the job checkpointing. See the Platform LSF Reference guide for a complete list with descriptions.

  • -k is the regular option to the bchkpnt command, and specifies checkpoint and exit. The job will be killed immediately after being checkpointed. When the job is restarted, it does not have to repeat any operations.

  • <job_ID> is the job ID of the Fluent job, which is used to specify which job to checkpoint.