2.3. Configuring Parallel Environments

For submitting parallel jobs, SGE needs a parallel environment (PE) interface. Fluent provides a sample parallel environment interface called fluent_pe.

Parallel environment configuration requires root or manager privileges. Change only the following values when creating a new parallel environment for Fluent:

  • queue list (queue_list)

    This should contain all the queues where qtype has been set to PARALLEL.

  • user/xuser lists (user_list and xuser_lists)

    These contain the lists of users who are allowed or denied access to the parallel environment.

  • Shut-down procedure invocation command (stop_proc_args)

    This should be changed only if the kill-fluent executable is not in the default directory, in which case the full path to the file should be given and the path should be accessible from every machine.

  • slots (slots)

    This should be set to a large numerical value, indicating the maximum of slots that can be occupied by all the parallel environment jobs that are running.

Since Fluent uses fluent_pe as the default parallel environment, an administrator must define a parallel environment with this name.