Chapter 12: Remote Display and Parallel Compositing

Remote Display

The EnSight architecture allows the compute and memory intensive operations (server) to be located on a separate machine(s) than the user interface and graphics display (client). There are times, however, when it is useful to also be able to execute the client operations on a remote machine and "remote" the display back to the desktop system. These situations may arise for a multitude of reasons including:

  1. The desktop machine is "thin", meaning it does not have the capacity or capability to act as an EnSight client

  2. The network bandwidth and/or latency is such that the usual server to client communication results in low performance

  3. EnSight software is only installed on remote machines and not on the desktop machine. There is no single obvious solution for dealing with the multitude of various remote rendering situations but rather a number of different strategies that may be examined and deployed.

Parallel Compositing

When the size of the data to render would overwhelm one client, EnSight Enterprise (formerly HPC+) can distribute data between multiple remote clients. The remote clients each render a portion of the data in parallel, and composite their images for display on the main client.

  • Configuration File formats

    Proper settings for the various configurations are discussed throughout this chapter.

  • Resource File format

    Details for the Resource file format, which is also discussed in this chapter can be found in How To Use Resource Management.